<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ibdee_2000/santaclausecometotown.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
from our house to yours
darlene & gordon
~   ~
`Little Ones'

The leaves have fallen
from most every tree.
Little Ones are taken to the mall
to sit on Santa's knee,
some a little shy
for their first time a Santa to see.

Santa laughs, oh so jolly
and leans his white head down
for each Little One to whisper in his ear,
as each tell him their wishes
from the list they compiled all year,
Santa Clause smiles and listens
to each little Dear.

We take our Little Ones by their hand
so they don't become lost
while exploring this great wonderland,
their eyes grow wide
as they observe
- Rudolph's Red Nose - SOoo grand.

Later back at home
we all help
put decorations on our Christmas tree
and light up the angel on the top bough
for everyone to see,
while singing songs of old and praises to Thee.

We tell our Little Ones
The Great Story
of a barn filled with cattle and hay,
the birth of the Christ child,
and the manger in which he lay,
and the gladness we know for Jesus being born
on that long ago Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas
God Yul
Bless one and all.

by Little Old Writer Lady - DCTL
copyright 1989

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