<BGSOUND SRC="doxology.mid">
"Take Me Home"

Copyright (c) 2001 Debi Gentry

Sometimes it is really good when I visit my dad. Other times, its
not so good. On the good days when I walk in, he has big smile on
his face. And says, "well hi there". It is a nice feeling to see him
seemingly "happy".

But then there are other times! I walk through the doors and he
says right away, " I want you to get my things, I have them all
packed up. I want you to take them home. I am not going to be
here much longer." A couple of times, he has even set dates of
when he would be leaving and going home.

I have never had these feelings before. The feelings of guilt, not
knowing what to do, overwhelming tears. I have found myself
trying to re-reason with myself. Trying to think of a way that
some how, some way, I could bring dad home. Looking for every
avenue there is that "might" work. But the search is so saddening!

He cannot stay alone! And we have tried him here at our house
before and he would not stay! We had to take him home in the
middle of the night. There is no one who can live with him 24/7. I
think to myself, "Oh Debi, there must be away?" But, as I think of
every point, dissecting each thought, there just seemed to be no
way! This is a very hurtful feeling!

As I walk out of that nursing home, I feel really droopy, and
unhappy. But I know I must pick my head up and hold my
shoulders back. For what good am I to my parents if I droop
around about something I cannot change?       NONE!

Soon as I got into my car, I prayed. "Oh Lord, this really hurts,
I do not do well with it either. Can, will you help me here?"
As I left, on the way home I had a verse come to me

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD. "For as the
heavens are higher than the earth
So are My ways higher than your ways,  And My thoughts than
your thoughts."
Isaiah 55: 89

And I thought, but Lord....this hurts so bad. How can this be your
way? Then I started remember back when dad was at home.
Many times he would do things that was not safe for him.  Like
place his overalls on the heating stove.....burning pan’s
up....leaving the doors open at night while he was
sleeping......we were going to the ER many times a week....etc.
And I was getting so tired. Never having much help. But I still
wanted to care for my dad. Cuz I knew he was happier at home.
But it got so "unsafe" for him. How could I leave him there at
night alone? I had to do something.

Some times we forget where God has brought us from. We get so
wrapped up in the "now" and the "feelings" of now.... But we
must remember....... "And we know that "all" things work
together for good to those who love God, to those who are the
called according to His purpose. Rom. 8:28

And God will get us through ALL the hard places we must go in
this life. We must learn to focus on Jesus, and not the problems of
this life. Even though they are very, very painful. And we must
remember that He loves our loved ones more then we do!!   He
take care of them where ever they are!

So when dad starts to cry out, he wants to go home.....I will pray
in my mind, "Lord, help me here, this is very painful. I know he
wants to go home, but that is not possible right now. Can you
please help me to deal with this better and trust you more? Please
Lord, give me the strength I need right now? And give dad the
peace all around him.... that you are here with him, and its ok.

In times like these, my journal is very helpful!    I write as though
am writing to Jesus. When I feel I am facing this all alone, I stop
and pray. And Jesus tells me in His word, I am not alone!!!
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report,
there is any virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy--meditate on these things. The things which you
learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and
God of peace will be with you." Phil. 4: 7-9

Ask God to help you through all that comes to you. And KNOW,
you are not alone!! And I pray that Jesus will remind me of the
road I came from. And to remind me that it was some thing I had
to do for dads safety. God bless each one of you out there
caregiving for your friend or loved one.