iB Ex-Staff & Friends Information Page











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The purpose of this forum is to provide former and current interBet staff with an outlet to freely express concerns and opinions and tell it like it truly is without being afraid of retaliation. We as former staff realize that the spin that will be put on this page by iB Corporation and Council is "Disgruntled Staff".

You may believe this if you wish ;) If you read the forum and keep an open mind and if you have an ounce of common sense, you will realize that what is presented here are facts, not fiction.

We welcome your opinions, comments, and thoughts. The only thing we ask is that you do not use obscenities in your posts. If you wish to post copied chat or email, please feel free.

Tell all of iB of this page. They deserve to know the truth. Maybe, iB Corporation will take their heads out of the SAND and see that by allowing a few vindictive staffers to continue their personal vendettas, that iB will die.

We believe that iB is the best free casino on the net. However we also feel that it is going to die at the hands of a rogue pit, with iB Corporation's blessing.

Thank you for visiting, and do please post a message.