CPS 1500
Pumps = 22                                      Tank = 3.5L

Shot Time = 5X : 4 seconds             Intimidation = 8
                   10X : 4 seconds
                                                         Overall Power = 9
Mobility = 7
                                                         Soakage = 40
Construction = 8
                                                         Special features = Changable nozzles
The CPS 1500 is a medium-large sized Soaker, released 1998. Its specilaties are its well rounded and balanced qualities of power, size and soakage. The CPS 1500 is a rare Classic today among CPS soakers and a must have among collectors and Water Warriors.

Strengths =
- Its power on the 5X and 10X nozzle
- 4 seconds of shot time on each nozzle
- Its not to big and not to small
- A strap that makes carring a second soaker easier

Weaknesses =
- A fragile pump that could break when pumping to wildly
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