CAMERA pans on empty space. Suddenly, camera POV far right, the wormhole opens, spitting out the ship, followed by the Girls. The ship disappears off camera, leaving only the Girls visible. CAMERA ZOOMS in on Powerpuff Girls, grouped closely together. Left to right, Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup.

BUTTERCUP: Whoa, this is some amusement park!

BUBBLES: The wormhole spit us back out!

BLOSSOM: Yeah, but which side of it are we on? And that ship still ought to be here, unless it went into warp again.

CAMERA pulls back. As if on cue, the ship reappears, at a great distance, camera POV above and to the right of the Girls.

BUTTERCUP: There they are! Let's go beat some information out of them!

BLOSSOM: Sorry, Buttercup, you were right. We should've finished them when we had the chance. Let's roll!


BLOSSOM: Why should we?


All of space seems to shimmer as three massive bird-of-prey warships decloak in the far distance, above and to the left. From this point of view all that can be told is that they are, from left to right, green, blue and pink in color.


BUTTERCUP: First wormholes, now starships! Blossom, what the heck's going on?

BLOSSOM: Speaking of wormholes, I think we're on the wrong side of it! Let's get out of here!

WHIP PAN on Girls as they exit, stage right, and suddenly stop. CAMERA ZOOMS in on Girls astonished faces.

POWERPUFFS: It's gone!


CAMERA pulls back as Girls turn to look at the birds-of-prey, which have advanced on them.

BLOSSOM: Oh my gosh, they're huge! Buttercup, how far away are they?

BUTTERCUP: [Tappping wrist.] 16 miles! And they still look that big?

BLOSSOM: Girls, I can't explain it, but we may be looking at our future. We must have hit a time warp someplace.

BUBBLES: I hope not. We're not very nice.

BUTTERCUP: Yeah, if that's US in the future, what're the BAD guys like?


Same view as earlier, red alert lights still on.

VOICE #1: Pestilence to Monday.

FEMALE VOICE: [Off-camera.] Admiral Keane here, Commander.

VOICE #1: Keane, get us off this scrap heap and give our 'guests' a little show of force, will you? Then beam them directly to the brig, maximum security. They are extremely powerful, dangerous little brats. Give us ten minutes, then escort them to the ready room. Oh, and I dearly want those suits and helmets. Wherever they're from, their technology is way better than anything we've got.

KEANE: Yes, Commander. Keane out.


Camera POV is of the Girls in the foreground, backs to camera, with shuttle in the distance at right and warships further away at center to left.


A tremendous orange beam of energy comes from the center starship and vaporizes the shuttle. The Girls turn back toward camera to shield themselves from the blinding light. CAMERA ZOOMS in on faces of Powerpuffs as they react with shock.

BUBBLES: They just blew themselves up!

BLOSSOM and BUTTERCUP: [Turning toward each other.] Ms. Keane?!!


BLOSSOM: Bubbles? That was y-

The Girls look surprised but have no time to say anything more as the white 'transporter' lines appear and they are gone.


The ships are similar in appearance to the Romulan warbird from Star Trek TNG, except each are a different color. On the left, the green ship looks almost like the Romulan vessel. In center, the ship is blue and on right, pink. PAN along side of middle starship. The same eagle insignia and black flag with tri-color stripes as seen on shuttle are visible. No registration number is seen, only USS MONDAY in large black block letters. This, we will learn, is the fleet's flagship. The other two ships' names aren't visible.


Powerpuff Girls shimmer into view and are immediately surrounded by three beefy SECURITY personnel. Sidearms that have the appearance of phasers are drawn. The men are dressed in black tunics and trousers and each has a plain silver triangular shaped communicator badge pinned to their left chest. One taps his comm badge, he is the ship's SECURITY CHIEF. He is tall and muscular, with brown hair and average features. He appears to be about 40 years of age.

SECURITY CHIEF: They're here, Admiral.

ADMIRAL KEANE: [Off-camera.] Force field in place, Chief?

CHIEF: Yes, Sir.

KEANE: I'm on my way.


The elevator (called a TURBOLIFT onboard the ships) door opens and out steps ADMIRAL SANDRA KEANE. She appears to be anywhere from forty to fifty years old. She looks like the Ms. Keane from Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, except her hair is cut shorter and is streaked with gray, and she appears older and worn down. She is dressed exactly like the security crew except for five small round gold buttons (called pips ) on her collar indicating the rank of Admiral. CAMERA follows KEANE as turbolift door closes, and she walks briskly to her right down the corridor. The corridor walls are gray, as is nearly everything on the ship. Black, white or different shades of gray, with only some pink, green and blue accents here and there. She taps her comm badge.

KEANE: They're here, Commanders. I'm on my way to see them now.

VOICE: [Off-camera. It is a child's voice, lower pitched, in a no-nonsense tone. This is VOICE 3 from the shuttle.] Good. Bring them up when you're ready and get us out of here.

KEANE: [Tapping comm badge.] Keane to bridge. Captain, set a course for Earth at full warp on my mark.

There is a brief pause while captain gives the order on the bridge.

FEMALE VOICE: [Off-camera.] First Officer Thomas, sir. On your mark, sir.

CAMERA stops as Keane stops and turns left to face a doorway; two female crew, in black, pass her coming toward camera and disappear from view.

KEANE: [Tapping comm badge.] Keane to Misery and Malice. Aliens safely aboard. Set course for Earth at full warp, on my mark. Keane out.

MALE VOICE: [Off-camera. It is a deep, rich baritone, with a no-nonsense British accent.] Misery to Monday, course set, on your mark, Admiral. Stewart out.

SECOND MALE VOICE: [Off-camera. It is quieter and not as deep but still rings with authority.] Malice to Monday, copy, Admiral. Shatner out.

KEANE: Engage!

The camera jiggles just a tiny bit as ship's warp engines kick in. Keane touches a panel set into the wall next to the doorway, the door whooshes open and she steps through it out of view.


CAMERA POV is behind Powerpuffs, who are facing the door as Keane walks toward them. They are still suited up with helmets on, the security crew of three stands off to the right, phasers drawn, now aimed directly at the Girls. WHIP PAN to and ZOOM in on Powerpuffs.

BLOSSOM: [Whispering.] Now, remember, if they interrogate us separately, name, rank and serial number only, just like in the movies. Whatever you guys are thinking, keep it to yourselves.

BUBBLES: What's our rank?

BUTTERCUP: We're Powerpuffs, dummy!

BUBBLES: Oh, yeah. What number is Lucky Captain Rabbit King?

BLOSSOM: Bubbles, not THAT kind of cereal!

WHIP PAN to Keane.

KEANE: [Stopping in front of Girls.] All right, you three. Off with those helmets and no tricks! [To herself.] They bear a resemblance to the Commanders, but how can there be TWO sets of Powerpuff Girls?

Her eyes glance to the right, indicating the guards. The Girls carefully pull the helmets off. Keane holds her ground but her eyes register surprise. The guards flinch but don't move otherwise. The Girls bend and carefully set the helmets on the floor of the transporter platform, and stand straight. WHIP PAN to Powerpuffs.

KEANE: [To herself.] They're beautiful! They look so young, so babies, almost. I sense no evil coming from them at all! How could these creatures come all this way alone without that kind of power? And how did she [meaning Blossom, whose suit shows that scorch mark] survive a direct laser hit? [Aloud.] Okay, now off with the suits.

The Girls slowly pull the suits off and lay them down. All three make a face. Buttercup leans forward and whispers something. Keane stares at the Girls in their dresses, white tights and Mary Janes. WHIP PAN to Keane.

KEANE: [To herself.] They go out into space dressed like THAT? This isn't going to sit well with Their Highnesses... [Loudly, with a stern look, reacting to Buttercup's whispering.] Something you'd like to share with everyone?

WHIP PAN to Girls. Bubbles and Blossom jump a little. Buttercup, angry, has her arms rigid and thrust down at her sides. She takes a step forward.

BUTTERCUP: [Almost shouting herself.] I said, we need a bath! And some food, too! Do you treat all your guests like this? Hmmm?

She raises an eyebrow. Blossom looks angrily at her sister. WHIP PAN to Keane. She smiles slightly and raises her left hand to the guards, who take a step forward; they relax.

KEANE: [To herself.] Ah, this one has some spunk! Very familiar. But the other two seem...[Frowns.]...wrong, somehow. That hairbow is definitely wrong. [Aloud.] Of course, we will get you whatever you need. But it will have to wait until after you've met the Commanders.

BLOSSOM: I think we already did.

KEANE: [Turning to Chief.] Chief, have an extra detail waiting outside the bridge.

CHIEF: Yes, Admiral.

He walks to the door and opens it with a touch pad on the wall, and exits. Keane nods to the two remaining guards, turns her back and walks to the doorway, she stops, looks back over her right shoulder.

KEANE: Follow me, children, and no funny business. I assure you those guns are not toys.

The girls step down off the platform and are followed out by the guards, weapons at their backs. Keane turns right down the corridor, the room empties and the door closes.


CAMERA moves in and stops on Keane and one guard, Girls behind them, the other guard is in rear. The faces of all can be seen. Camera moves slightly, indicating turbolift is in motion.

BUBBLES: [Looking up at Keane.] Ms. Keane? Monday is a funny name for a ship!

Blossom looks exasperated.

KEANE: You may wish you hadn't said that. And it's ADMIRAL Keane, to you! [To herself.] I haven't been called that in years! So, Professor was right, there IS a parallel world. Is THEIR Keane a teacher, too?

CAMERA pulls back and to the left as turbolift stops, Keane and first guard step out and to the right, followed in turn by everyone else. Camera follows them down the corridor. WHIP PAN to front view of Keane and others. The group walks down the corridor, the Girls silently taking in their surroundings with looks of awe. WHIP PAN to a detail of seven security personnel, three female, standing outside the large door to the bridge, appearing larger as Keane's group advances on them. All in black, they stand with arms folded in front of them . CAMERA pulls back to behind the last two guards of Keane's group as it reaches the new people and stops. Keane turns to her left at the bridge and punches a keypad. WHIP PAN to and ZOOM in on door as it opens. Two more security stand facing camera and immediately step back, as a bit of pitchpipe music comes from inside.

VOICE: [Off-camera.] Admiral on the bridge!

CAMERA follows as Keane walks forward, followed by her group and then the latter seven guards. Without stopping, she calls out...

KEANE: As you were!

...and makes a sharp left turn, proceeding to the door of the ready room. The Girls crane their necks, trying to catch a glimpse of the bridge. The group stops, Keane turns to face them. CAMERA ZOOMS in on Keane, from POV just behind Girls.

KEANE: What's the matter, ladies, never seen the bridge of a starship before?

BUBBLES: Only on TV!

BLOSSOM: [Whispers in fury.] Bubbles! What did I tell you?!

KEANE: [To herself.] Then how on God's green earth did you get here?

Keane turns her back on camera, punches pad next to door. A tone is heard, then a voice from inside.

VOICE: [Off-camera, it is the voice of the Supreme Commander, Voice #1 from the shuttle.] Come!

The door of the ready room slides open. The first guard stands aside, allowing the Girls to enter alongside Keane, and the guards close ranks behind them.

SUPREME COMMANDER: [Off-camera.] Keane, you may stay. The rest of you, GET OUT!

The security personnel turn to exit, the Girls right behind them.


The Girl's faces show that they have had it. Angrily, they turn and burst into the room, past Keane, as camera follows them. They stop suddenly. WHIP PAN to closeup of Powerpuff Girls reacting with shock. CAMERA pulls back to show the Girls, with the door closing behind the last guard and Keane standing and watching the scene unfold.

WHIP PAN to three figures behind a large desk made of a dark, polished wood. In the middle, seated in a high backed wing chair, is a Powerpuff Girl resembling Bubbles. She has blonde hair, with bangs framing her face. On top of her head is a black hairbow, different from Blossom's red one, looking rather like a large bowtie. She is wearing a blue jumpsuit, there is a black armband around her right arm. In size, she is the same as all of them, but she appears to look older than five years. Her face is twisted in a mask of hate and rage, her hands on the desk. Her eyes are oceans of black, with only white pinpoints in the center. They are taking in everything. She is the leader, the Supreme Commander. She is Voice #1 from the shuttle.

Standing to her left [camera right] is Buttercup's counterpart. Her black hair is long and pulled severely away from her face, and is piled on top her head, resembling a hornet's nest. The jumpsuit is green, no armband; the other physical features are the same except her face looks somewhat younger. Currently, she is leveling a glare filled with cold menace at Buttercup. She carries the rank of Commander. She is Voice #3 from the shuttle.

Standing to camera left is the third evil Powerpuff, dressed in pink; again no armband. She is sneering at Bubbles, with her mouth turned up at one side. Her orange hair is cut very close to her head, across her forehead in a zig-zag cut The total package resembles somewhat a jack'o'lantern. She is Voice #2 from the shuttle and also holds the rank of Commander.

[NOTE: When the Evil Powerpuffs speak, they have the same voices as the Powerpuffs but with a harsh, nasty edge to them.]

The ready room is quite spacious. There are two more wing chairs with upholstered seats behind the desk and several more along the left wall. On the wall directly behind the desk are three portholes affording a view of space. Behind and to the right of the desk, in the corner, is a large aquarium sitting on a stand, filled with a few dozen piranha with razor-sharp teeth On the desk is a medium sized green shaded lamp, a pad of paper, a container of pencils, and, to the leader's left, is a vase holding black roses. There is abstract art on the walls, a pink couch with blue and green throw pillows sits off to the far right along a wall; everything in the room is those three colors, in sharp contrast to the bleakness everywhere else.

WHIP PAN to Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup, with Keane behind them, seen from behind the Evil Powerpuffs. It is obvious to all of them who the leader is, but Blossom is concentrating on her the most.

BLOSSOM: [To herself.] They're not carrying weapons! They must have superpowers like we do.

Buttercup is answering the look she is getting from her 'twin' with equal ferocity; in fact, if their physical features were exactly the same, it would be tough to tell them apart. Bubbles is spending equal time looking at the three evil sisters, and back over her shoulder at Keane, as if she really expects to get some guidance there. Keane's eyes sweep the room, resting on Bubbles' face for a brief moment. CAMERA ZOOMS in on Keane.

KEANE: [To herself.] Poor thing! But I don't dare let the Commanders see me watching them. I am going to have to be very careful until they're off the ship!

WHIP PAN to Evil Powerpuffs.

EVIL BUBBLES: [Softly.] Keane, what is the meaning of this? [Points at Girls' clothing.]

KEANE: [Off-camera.] I thought you should see it for yourself

EVIL BUBBLES: Ah, yes. Wise decision. What lovely outfits! A pity you won't be needing them. NOBODY WEARS THOSE COLORS BUT US!

WHIP PAN to Powerpuffs.

[Note: For rest of this scene, camera angle will change to take in view of group whose member are speaking or taking some action, without mentioning the POV change.]

BLOSSOM: [Ignoring the leader, pointing in the direction of the fish tank.] Hey Buttercup, aren't those the ugliest things you've ever seen?

BUTTERCUP: Yeah. The fish are pretty nasty looking, too!

Powerpuffs laugh, Bubbles with hands to her mouth, Buttercup bent over holding herself about the waist, Blossom with head back, eyes closed.

EVIL BLOSSOM: [Snarling.] Why you, I'll-

She is restrained with an arm from her leader sister, who levels a menacing glare directly at Blossom.

EVIL BUBBLES: Not now, dear sister. You will get your chance. I repeat, NO one wears those colors but US!

BLOSSOM: Uh, yeah, we kinda noticed. What's your problem, anyway? Powerpuff Girls don't act the way you three creeps have been acting!

EVIL BUBBLES: Creep, eh? Which one of you threw that 'suck' insult?

BUBBLES: I did! Hee hee hee!

EVIL BUBBLES: Not too impressed with our backward propulsion systems, were you? Are you impressed now?

BUBBLES: Duh, noooooo. Who needs a ship, anyway?

EVIL BUBBLES: Ah, yes!! Those marvelous suits. What are they, solar powered?

BUTTERCUP: Suits? We don't need no stinking suits!

BLOSSOM: Show 'em, Girls!

They lift off the floor and hover, arms crossed, smirking. The evil Powerpuffs all shrink back in alarm, Keane nearly faints. The Powerpuffs float back to the floor.

EVIL BUBBLES: What the hell?

Bubbles fires a very mild eye laser at the black roses, toasting them into ashes, which drop onto the desk.

BUBBLES: Powerpuff Girls don't swear, either.

KEANE: [Quickly steps forward, phaser drawn.] Stop right there!

EVIL BUBBLES: Oh, it's all right. Little show-offs! Nothing we can't handle. Why don't you go check on our status? We should be dropping out of warp any time now.

KEANE: I think I should stay right here.

EVIL BLOSSOM: She said go, stupid!

KEANE: [Ignoring that remark.] Commander, I really must insist! Your safety is the foremost concern.

The Leader's face becomes a contorted mask, and her sisters join her. Then their faces go blank. Keane lets out a sudden gasp and sags, grabbing for the wall for support. She manages to touch the control pad and the door opens; she backpedals out and the door closes.

CUT TO: Keane striding away from the closing door.

KEANE: [To herself.] I had to get out of there! I've got to get the word out! I just hope those girls don't blow up the ship!

CUT TO: Evil Powerpuffs.

NOTE: When the evil Girls speak to each other silently, thier lips don't move.

EVIL BUBBLES: [Silently.] So, these brats have some sort of physical powers. I'd like to know more, but we had to get Keane out of here. She already knows too much as it is. You following, girls?

EVIL BLOSSOM and EVIL BUTTERCUP: [Silently.] We got it, sis.

EVIL BUBBLES [Silently.] Let's see what other tricks they got.

EVIL BUTTERCUP: Hey bigmouth! Yeah, you! [Points at Buttercup.] Is that all you know how to cook is flowers?

BUTTERCUP: We did a pretty good job on your boat, didn't we? You want more? Okey doke!

She powers up and vaporizes the black hairbow on Evil Bubbles' head.

EVIL BUBBLES: [Silently]: That was a liiiittle too close. Time to put the force field up, eh? Go ahead, keep pushing them. I think they LIKE to show off.

CAMERA closeup on one of her hands reaching under the desk for something. Camera pulls back.

EVIL BLOSSOM: So, what else did you bring for show and tell?

BLOSSOM: [Whispering.] Girls, I think they're pushing our buttons. Something tells me they're very good at it. We've shown them too much already.

EVIL BLOSSOM: Hey, speak up! We're all friends here. Heh heh!

BLOSSOM: [Coldly] To whom am I speaking?

EVIL BUTTERCUP: You first, Miss Goody Two-shoes!

BLOSSOM: Very well. I am Blossom. These are my sisters, Buttercup and Bubbles.

EVIL BUBBLES: [Stands, with a look of pure hatred, screams.] You are never to utter those names! It is grounds for immediate execution!

BUTTERCUP: Geesh! What's the big deal? Those're our names, you don't like it, tough!

EVIL BLOSSOM: Those were OUR names, before we changed them, stupid! You will never repeat them in our presence!

BUTTERCUP: Buttercup! Buttercup! Buttercup!

EVIL BUTTERCUP: I'm going to make you pay for that!

BUTTERCUP: Shaddap or I'll give ya' a black eye! Oops, you already got two, sorry!

BLOSSOM: Enough! I think we can agree that we don't like each other. We told you our names. What are you calling yourselves now?


EVIL BLOSSOM: My name is Malice!

BUTTERCUP: What kinda dumb names are those?

BLOSSOM: Well, you have to admit, they do fit their personalities.

MISERY and MALICE: Thank you!

BLOSSOM: So that leaves you, no, wait, hahaha! It can't be, but it is, hahaha! Your name is Monday, isn't it? Heeheehee!

EVIL BUBBLES: [Smiles evilly.] Very good! I see why you've got the hairbow.

BUTTERCUP: Monday, like this ship? They're both dumb names!


MONDAY: Doesn't everyone? It's the most vile, disgusting day of the week! Just like me, right girls?

The three cackle evilly.

BUTTERCUP: Oh, I get it! Now, YOU'RE gonna get it!

She takes off in a green streak directly for Monday and smashes face first into the force field. She slides along it, down to the floor. Bubbles and Blossom rush to help her.

EVIL POWERPUFFS: [Watching with glee, silently, to each other.] Ohhhhhh, that's gotta hurt!

BLOSSOM and BUBBLES: Buttercup, are you all right?

BUTTERCUP: [Grins up at them crazily, croaks weakly.] Sometimes you're the windshield...

Blossom and Bubbles help her stand up.

MONDAY: Well, we've seen your little parlor tricks. Now it's OUR turn. Girls? [Silently, to her sisters.] Give 'em everything! Let's show 'em who the REAL Powerpuffs are!

The three evil Girls knit their eyebrows together in deep concentration, their faces reflecting the anger building inside their bodies, their eyes closed. Their lids are the same light violet.

BLOSSOM: Uh, oh, they did this before, to Ms. Keane. Watch out!

The evil Girls' faces go blank, wiped clean, and the Powerpuffs are suddenly hovering in the air, screaming, holding their hands over their ears, but the noise and the pain inside their heads won't stop. They finally fall, screaming, to the floor, and all screamed out, lie curled in a fetal position, shaking and whimpering.

MONDAY: [Silently] Those ungrateful little...They're supposed to say 'Thank you, sir, may I have another? Aw, let's give 'em one, anyway!


SLOW PAN of bridge showing various black-clad officers at their stations. Through the two large windows, the 'eyes' of the bird-of-prey, Earth is seen rapidly approaching. WHIP PAN to Command console, center bridge. Two command chairs fill the frame. On the right, Admiral Keane; on the left, CAPTAIN HAROLD SMITH. Standing behind them, hands clasped in front, FIRST OFFICER THOMAS, an average looking woman of about thirty, with short blonde hair. Smith has four pips on his collar, the First Officer, three. Screams can be heard coming from the ready room. Keane winces slightly. No one else appears to notice.

SMITH: Helmsman, position?

HELMSMAN: [Off-camera.] 90 seconds from Earth orbit, Sir.

SMITH: Take us out of warp. Proceed at one-half impulse until we drop out of orbit.


MONDAY: [Off-camera.] Keane! Return the prisoners to the brig! They won't be any further trouble.

Keane stands, letting out a light sigh. Smith stands also. Keane turns right, crosses in front of Smith, heading toward ready room. CAMERA pulls back, allowing ready room door to be seen, with two security personnel standing near it, as Keane walks away. Smith watches her go.

KEANE: [Without turning back.] Proceed, Captain.

CAMERA moves in on Smith and first officer, who remain standing. Keane and others are no longer visible.

SMITH: [To himself.] I wonder about her sometimes. I love this job! Beats the heck out of filling mustard jars. [Aloud, turning back to face camera, tapping comm badge.] Smith to Misery...

WHIP PAN to outside ready room door. Camera is behind Keane as she touches control panel and door opens. CAMERA ZOOMS in to show Blossom, standing behind Bubbles, with her arms around her sister. Both have tears running down their faces. Buttercup is standing a bit to the right, looking toward the evil Powerpuffs, fury mixed with the tears. Behind them, left to right, Malice, Monday and Misery, who have come around to the front of the desk, stand hands on hips, showing their teeth. Monday has a new black hairbow in place.

CAMERA ANGLE CHANGES to side view from inside the room. Keane is at left, just inside the doorway, then Bubbles and Blossom, looking up at Keane, then Buttercup, and the evil sisters. Monday lifts one arm, pointing.

MONDAY: Take these little babies back to the brig.

MALICE: Yeah, babies! Didn't anybody tell you? There's no crying in space!

EVIL POWERPUFFS: [Cackle wildly.]

MONDAY: Keane, let us know when we land. In the meantime, get our colors off of them. Now, git!

CAMERA ANGLE CHANGES to view toward door from behind the desk.

KEANE: Yes, Commander.

She steps into the room, between the Powerpuffs, and turns back to face the door. With her left hand, she turns Buttercup around to face the door. Left hand on Buttercup's right shoulder, right hand on Blossom's left, she pushes them toward the door. Everyone is seen backs to camera. Leaving the room, Buttercup looks back over her left shoulder and points her left arm at Misery.

BUTTERCUP: Just you wait!

The door shuts. REVERSE ANGLE showing evil Powerpuffs front view. Camera moves in slowly as Monday steps back and hops up to sit on the desk. Misery and Malice back up also, Malice standing but leaning against desk; Misery standing rigid, a look similar to Buttercup's on her face.

MONDAY: Well, girls, what ARE we going to do with them?

MISERY: [Points toward camera to where Buttercup just was.] THAT one belongs to ME!

MALICE: I hate their hair. Showoffs! Let's shave their heads!

MISERY: Oh, Malice, you hate everything!

MONDAY: [Evil grin.] Don't we all! You know, it looks like that fool Utonium's parallel universe theory wasn't so crazy after all. I wonder what THEIR Earth is like?

MALICE: [Sneering] Probably all pretty and nice, just like them! Disgusting!

MONDAY: [Evil grin widening.] Yeeessss! Girls, I think these little kitties should go and mess up THEIR sandbox! And I know just how we're going to do it!

MALICE and MISERY: We're listening!

MONDAY: [Rubbing her hands together.] Our dear Creator is going to find a way to give us whatever THEY'VE got.

MISERY: Hee hee hee! But wait, if we go to their planet, won't we lose control over ours?

MONDAY: Not if we give them our evilness in return! Then they can stay here and run things.

MALICE: Why not just send them home?

MONDAY: Are you crazy? And let them have all the fun? Think of it, another whole world to ruin, all those minds to torture...

EVIL POWERPUFFS: [Cackle together.]

FADE TO BLACK as cackling echoes.


