HI! Welcome to the blinkiest page on the net. You may see Newer
links appearing on these pages soon, but do NOTpanic!
These links are to utilities for you to explore, or links to my friends.
The links are really quite useful to the beginner, or the inquisitive mind.

Some of the things I have found helpful or amusing on the web are listed on my links page.
Please explore them and let me know what you think. If you feel that a site should be added, please e-mail me at the address below, and I will review the site, and I DO take ALL suggestions under review. Should any of you who partake of this site wish to see some of the iceman's poetry on his site, please, let me know via the email icon at the bottom of the page, thank you. If I get many requests for my poetry, it will be added in the near future.

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