Welcome to Ichnoboy´s PBM page.

As You can see this page is under construction and will as time permits grow in size and not at least in Quallity.

under construction

My two favorite games are Middle earth play by mail and Cosmos play by mail.


This are a tactical wargame set in a fantasy world.  A god from another plane are trying to conquer the world of Chard. Not too surprisingly the old gods are opposing him and a war are about to start between the followers of the two sides. There are 8 players on each side and with a total of about 70-80 different types of mass units there are plenty of fun for a long time.
COSMOS is currently being beta tested in a BASIC version.

Middle Earth PBM:

This game are set in the world of J.R.R.Tolkien where the Free People and the Dark Servants of Sauron are fighting over the dominance of the world, while the Neutral nations are waiting and bidding their time to see who they should support. With 25 nations and three different scenarios there are plenty of  change from game to game even when playing the same nation in the same scenario.
MEPBM are a little like Chess, it's easy to learn the basics and nearly impossible to master fully....

