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Born: 6 February 1911 — Died at 93: 4 June 2004
  Served as President of the Screen Actors Guild: 1947-1952 and 1959-1960
Elected Governor of California in 1966 — Reëlected Governor of California in 1970
1980: Elected Fortieth President of the United States of America
by every California County
except San Francisco and Alameda

1984: Reëlected President of the USA by every California County except San Francisco, Alameda, and Marín
“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.”— Shakespeare
                  Transcript of testimony before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities (HUAC)
Ronald Reagan will be remembered for:

Being, per Clark Clifford, “an amiable dunce”
Having more style than substance
Ordering National Guard troops to spread tear gas over the Berkeley campus of the University of California
resulting in the shooting, and death, of a student protester
Creating “the homeless problem” by closing California's mental hospitals
Supporting blacklisting of politically-unpopular artists while President of the Screen Actors Guild
Firing Air Traffic Controllers
Ordering drug testing of Federal employees
Advocating organized prayer in public schools in violation of his oath to protect the Constitution
Allowing AIDS to become pandemic by ignoring the facts for longer than five years during which almost 28,000 died
Refusing to allow Federal funds to be used to treat AIDS patients after acknowledging,
following the deaths of Liberace and his friend Rock Hudson, it exists
Engaging in military actions in Nicaragua and El Salvador in violation of the United States Congress' orders
Paying an official visit to a Nazi cemetery in Bitburg, Germany
Having his veto of sanctions against apartheid South Africa overridden by Congress
Stealing from Mikhail Gorbachev credit for peacefully ending the Cold War
Boring first wife Jane Wyman to divorce
Tip O'Neill refusing to allow him to address the House of Representatives (6/23/86)
Invading Grenada
Causing “an across-the-board breakdown in the machinery constructed by six previous administrations to protect civil rights.” according to the Citizens Commission on Civil Rights
Opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Opposing the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Opposing the Fair Housing Act of 1968
Creating the myth of the “Welfare Queen”
Being ranked second-worst President for Civil Rights by the Encyclopædia of African-American Politics
Supporting military dictatorships in Guatemala: 440 villages destroyed
Supporting military dictatorship in El Salvador
Creating more than a million refugees fleeing El Salvador and Guatemala
Supporting opponents of the Sandinistas who ousted the hated Somoza dictatorship of Nicaragua
with funds earned by treasonously selling armaments to Iran
Deregulating the Savings & Loan industry resulting in a $350 billion taxpayer bailout
Almost tripling the national debt by reducing taxes and increasing spending
Taking tax revenue from the poor to give to the rich (6/24/86)

Ronald Reagan will also be remembered for:
 Being “the Great Communicator”
Co-starring with a chimpanzee in Bedtime for Bonzo
Signing close to 40 bills adding 10.6 million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System
Saying “I hope you're all Republicans” to those about to treat his bullet wound
Marrying Nancy Davis
Signing Martin Luther King holiday into law
Stopping Federally-proposed dams on California's Feather and Eel rivers
Stopping a Federal freeway through the Sierra Nevada
Opposing California's Briggs Initiative to prohibit homosexuals from teaching in schools
Appointing first woman, Sandra Day O'Connor (seated 6/18/81), to the Supreme Court of the United States
Working to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions for actors while President of the Screen Actors Guild
Calling the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics an "evil empire" (6/17/82)
Saying “Mister Gorbachev: Tear down this wall!” in Berlin

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Reagan Administration PROGRAM CUTS              (Millions of dollars)
Training and Employment
Energy Assistance
Health Services (Community Health Centers; Care for the Homeless}
Legal Services
Compensatory Education
Housing Assistance for the Elderly
Community Services Block Grants (Anti-poverty agencies)

From: Roger B. (rcblinn@*.net)
Icono Clast wrote...
> Remembering Ronald Reagan: Let Us Remember Lest We Forget

While remembering Regan, shall we also remember Regan's Secretary of the Interior, James G. Watt? From High Country News

On September 20, 1983, the Senate voted 63-33 to deny Watt the power to lease coal at his discretion, to forbid the leasing of certain key off-shore oil and gas tracts, to forbid drilling in Wilderness, and so on.  The bill also ordered Watt to do something he'd sworn he wouldn't do — buy additional National Parks land.  1984 was to be his big year.  He was going to lease (strip-mine) coal adjacent to Bryce Canyon National Park. [R]
James G Watt:  "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent." (a reference to his staff) — to the US Chamber of Commerce, September 21, 1983.