ics version history
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
New in version 1.06 B 2000
01 added re-associate .cab hack
02 added increase file allocation cache hack
03 added ie5 editor hack
04 added max performance tab hack
05 added restore ie5 window hack
06 added save scheme hack
07 added shutdown tweak
08 added restart tweak
09 added restart dos tweak
10 updated recognize cdrom name hack
11 updated show icons using all colours hack
12 fixed minor text formatting
13 shuffled some hacks in some categories
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
New in version 1.05 B 1999
01 added ics home page under freeware tweaks
02 fixed minor text formatting
03 shuffled some hacks in some categories
04 updated show icons using all colours hack
05 updated open explorer like file manager tweak
06 corrected dump click here to start hack
07 corrected recognize mouse name hack
08 updated make device manager recognize hardware names hack
09 added save folder settings hack
10 added right click application on any folder hack
11 added new performance tab hack
12 added media player title hack
13 corrected some reference from value name to value data
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
New in version 1.04 B 1999
1 fixed beep on error value from 1 to yes
2 corrected dos prompt spelling
3 added unregister.bat tweak
4 added use all icon colours hack
5 added stretch wallpaper to fit screen hack
6 added wrap text under icons hack
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
New in version 1.03 B 1999
1 corrected system properties hack
2 added window animation hack
3 added font smoothing hack
4 added smooth scrolling hack
5 added beep on errors hack
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
New in version 1.02 B 1999
1 fixed minor text formatting
2 corrected your own text in oe5 hack
3 added high speed ext. modem hack
ics_sonic_boom yellow zone
ICS version 1.01 B 1999
launched on Sept 25 1999