Character name: Gosegas, meaning “shaking strongly” – which is what he does whenever Beth has beaten him up. Out of pain, yup. The cleverness has no ends.

This name comes from where he is listed as a servant of the demons Oriens, Paymon, Amaymon and Ariton: check it out here

Character Position: Lowly minion of Darkness, lifelong companion of Beth-avin and punching bag of said Beth-avin.

Birthday and age: Since Gosegas was manifested rather than born, it is nonsense to talk about zodiac info here. He himself seems to have lost track of just how many years he's been living for by now, but it's pretty safe to put him around a good 1500.

Likes: Reading, being at home and not being Beth's punchbag.

Dislikes: Not reading, not being at home and being Beth's punchbag.

Hobbies: Being Beth's punchbag. This is also his job. Gosegas would like to add reading here, too, but though that one is more of a hobby than a like, he hasn't been allowed to open a book for a good 150 years now, thus this is more something he thinks is great than something he does often.

Looks: Uh-oh. Well, where to start?

Right off the bat, Gosegas is... not humanoid. Far from it actually. His appearance will rather lead your thoughts to hopelessly ugly magical girl show critter-rejects than cool, menacing villains. Bluntly put, Gosegas is an ugly lil' fellow. From head to tail, he is about 55 centimeters long, and that's only when he's really stretching. His body, which continues right into his tail, has the shape of a rather big, fleshy carrot that grows really thin in the end and is tipped by a cliché-devil spike. Since Gosegas has nothing in the way of back limbs, he moves around on his Popeye-esque muscled arms whenever not flying. Said arms end in four short, clawed fingers each that may not be the most precise handling instruments ever, but nonetheless serve their purpose all right. Just above the arms, a pair of teeny-weeny bat wings sprout from his shoulders. These are Gosegas's mayor means of locomotion, and despite their size, he can actually fly extremely well with them. Or at least better than Beth can with her wings.

Attached to his body with a thin but pretty long neck is (surprise!) Gosegas's head. And what a head that is. The most prominent feature of Gosegas's face is most certainly his Eye. One right eye, as the left one was literally destroyed by Beth during their first meeting, and is now merely a stinged scar. The other eye, though, is almost supernaturally large, reaching far above the actual limits of his scull. Unlike the left one's condition, there is no real explanation to the size of this eye. I suppose the Demon-O-Matic really likes to spit out bizarre things. Gosegas's nose, which has some remarkable similarities to those of most boxers, sits just above his wide, lipless mouth, which is full of pointy and uneven teeth. His skin is gray-brown and somewhere between fur and asphalt in texture. It really is strange to touch. And finally, Gosegas's ears are enormous, ripped bat-like things with several gold piercings in each one. You wouldn't believe it, but despite all the weirdness, Gosegas does actually look kinda cute, at least when compared to other demonic minions.

Oh, and since you probably couldn't find any sort of resemblance to a creature in this text, there is a picture above.

Personality: Judging from the above description, one would hardly think Gosegas to be one of the smartest creatures ever to come out of the Dark Side, but the truth is that even though he himself has almost forgotten it, he is a smart little bugger. After all, that was what put him in the team with Beth in the first place.

Gosegas is smart. He was created to be smart, and thus, he is. And to make it even better, Gosegas seems to posses both streetsmarts and booksmarts. Lack of smarts is not his problem. His problem is a demonic blonde who constantly tries to kill him. Of course, with streetsmarts, I don't mean that he's tha Gangsta and able to survive the though life o' the street. Streetsmarts to Gosegas is more like 'applied smarts'. He knows how to deal with situations that are less than positive, how to keep a cool head, and how to solve a problem. That is what he was created to know. The booksmarts are the traditional know-too-much-smarts. Gosegas is, if you allow him to speak, a flying lexicon. Though he has been somewhat limited in his quest for knowledge by living with Beth, one can count on that he will know the way to calculate an ellipse's exact width, the national course of Bosnia, and everything about Albrecht Dührer.

After more than a millennium with Beth, however, the smarts are not what is most evident in him day-to-day. The Gosegas most people see is pessimistic, generally not expecting life to get very good, and unwilling to take full advantance of his smarts. And then he hates Beth a lot. He is still, however, one of the most talkative creatures you'll ever encounter. No matter the situation, Gosegas simply can't keep his mouth shut for more than three nanoseconds at a time. Time should have learned him doing so will carefully molest his body over and over again, but apparently, Gosegas chose to sleep in class at the school of life. Or at least pretend he wasn't there.

A trait that was not at all in the original Gosegas but very much in the new, is sarcasm. Well, you'd need some sense of hugh mour to get through more than a millennium with Beth and not going completely and utterly ga-ga. Some might say that Gosegas is completely ga-ga, but really, he is probably one of the sanest people on the Dark Side. So there. Anyway, Gosegas has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that has helped him through many hardships, the main one going by the name Beth-avin. This embodies itself mainly through tiny, under-his-breath comments that are still said just loud enough for Beth to hear them. And though he usually gets beaten up for doing it, Gosegas finds his use of sarcasm worth the beating. After all, he would get beat up anyway, so why not give her a reason to do it that even helps him handle his own trauma?

This leads up to Gosegas's relation with Beth, which can at best be described as weird. Well, to start off with, Gosegas doesn't respect Beth. At ALL. He makes fun of her, he ridicules her plans, and he generally acts as though she is horribly, horribly stupid. This might seem strange for a loyal minion, but as with everything (at least when talking about Gosegas), it has a reason. You see, to start out with, Gosegas respected Beth. He actually feared her and did absolutely everything he could think of to keep her happy and confident. And that didn't help diddly-squat. Gosegas was kicked around, beaten up and yelled at, no matter how well he treated Beth, so in the end, he decided that it really didn't matter, and threw away all the manners, instead concentrating his energy on telling Beth exactly how lousy her plans, her hairstyles, and her attitude was. And it's been like that ever since.

The general relation between Gosegas and Beth-avin is actually quite simple to explain: They hate each other. A lot.

While she hates him for being smarter than her and showing it, plus a multitude of smaller excuses for beating him into a bloody pulp, he hates her for being dominant, being an idiot, and beating him into a bloody pulp every now and then. For more than a millennium, each of them has been doing his or her very best to make the other person's life an utter misery, and in a way, they have succeeded. Both of them now hates the other with a passion and would be thrilled if said other person was to fry in hell forever – and yet not. There is a strange air to their relationship and constant attacks on each other that suggests that maybe, somewhere deep inside, they do not hate each other quite as much as they appear to. If really cornered, Gosegas might say that Beth-avin at least makes his life a little more exciting than it would have been if he were to spend it locked away in a library for infinity, and likewise, Beth-avin might say that her life would've been more stressful if she did not have the option of beating Gosegas into a bloody pulp. Yes, they love each other like an old married couple with their front lawn full of land mines.

Despite how completely rude and badly behaved he acts towards Beth-avin, Gosegas is capable of, in less than a nanosecond, do a complete 180 degrees and turn into the well-behaved, soft-spoken gentleman of your dreams as soon as he's interacting with anyone but Beth. This is how he was originally supposed to behave, and it surely feels much more natural to him than the way he has accustomed himself to behave around Beth does. Gosegas can be the perfect Victorian gentleman if he wants to, and luckily, he does most of the time.

Finally, Gosegas is actually, despite his attitude towards her, a fairly loyal minion of Beth's. While he complains, insults and does little sarcastic stunts, Gosegas actually Does What He's Told. And that is a good thing. Of course, this comes in part with the hellish magic that binds him to her, but though the magic could force his limbs to fetch Beth's combs on her command, he has never been in a situation where that would actually happen. Gosegas is, per definition, a servantly nature, and he finds some weird pleasure in doing what Beth wants him to do. Not that he does it without complaining, though.

So, here we have him in short:

Pro's: Loyal, really, really smart, can be a gentleman if he wants to, somehow cute, impossible to kill (at least for Beth), hates Beth a lot.

Con's: Sarcastic, pessimistic, insulting, really ugly, can feel pain, hates Beth a lot

Neutrals: Small, talkative, hates Beth a lot.

History: A long time ago there was an empire of evil. At least, there was a loosely-knit organization that very much liked to refer to itself as an empire of evil. A long time ago there was also a young girl who was doing very, very badly on her job, since she had no brain. That girl was an employee of the empire of evil. So the empire of evil decided to give her a brain. That brain was called Gosegas.

Nobody knows what Gosegas did before he was teamed up with Beth-avin. Probably, he was just manifested right on the spot when he was needed, but if he really did exist before that happened, he sure isn't telling about it. It is also unknown who gave Gosegas to Beth (though if anyone wants to work out some past relations, I'm all for it), but is sure as hell was another LoCD. Anyway, Gosegas was given to the (still) newbie LoCD as an advisor and a strategist to help her not getting herself killed as long as she was still of some good to the organization. That was the plan, yes. Sadly, that plan did not quite work out. On their very first mission together, Beth screwed up. Well, it was expected of her to screw up, as she screwed up even more back then than she does today. In his role of an advisor, Gosegas then foolishly tried to advice her. As a thank-you, he was beaten very nearly to death. Obviously, the other LoCD quickly saw that their plan wasn't working out as planned, or working out in any way, but instead of the obvious solutions (take Gosegas away from Beth, replace him with something bigger, transform Beth into a hippie, yadda yadda), they chose a more radical way to solve the problem. During as special ritual, the same LoCD who gave Gosegas to Beth in the first place, placed an unbreakable spell on them, that mean that none of them could ever kill the other, no matter how many times they used extreme violence on each other. They could put each other through extreme pain (hey, it's the LoCD we're talking about, you expected a fuzzy solution?), but no matter how many dismemberings, they would always recover to their original state. This spell is still in effect, and it is the sole reason why Gosegas is still alive to this day. And let me specify it a bit. Gosegas and Beth can very much be killed. In fact, Gosegas is extremely easy to kill compared to pretty much everyone else in this RPG. Just not for Beth. And that's actually A Good Thing, since where would Beth be if her stress relief was suddenly dead after being killed? ^-^;

Oh, and since this first meeting, things have just been worse between Gosegas and Beth (but their relationship is already cared for up in 'personality' and that won't be repeated here.)

Thus we have the present: Gosegas is still living with Beth (and chances are he will keep doing that until he dies), Gosegas is still being beaten to a bloody pulp by Beth at least once per day, and Gosegas is still not dead. The End.

Powers: Gosegas can fly.

Gosegas can turn into any creature that's about his size (no objects.).

Gosegas can especially turn into a very ugly, skinny brown Chihuahua.

Gosegas can be beaten to a bloody pulp by Beth and not die from it.

How's that for power?
