Seek an angel with an open heart and you will find one.
The way to know an angel is by your feelings.
Angels may not always come when you call them, but they are always there when you need them.

An angel is someone who helps you believe in miracles again.
Sometimes you know angels only by the miracles they leave blossoming in their path after they have gone.

An angel is someone you are always happy to bump into.
An angel is someone who raises your spirits.
An angel is someone you feel you have known forever, even though you've just met.

An angel is someone who helps you grow.
Angels make you feel welcome in this world.
Angels encourage your best qualities and hidden talents.
Angels give you direction.
Angels gently push you out of your little self and into the broader arena of love.

Angels remind you that you are enough.
Angels help you see your life in a better light.
An angel is someone who brings out the best in you.
An angel is always there to walk beside you.

"For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways." Psalm 91: 11