ismenia rogich (48214 bytes)

nilson lombardi (46394 bytes)

paulo de andrade (46337 bytes)

mario persico (56845 bytes)

    The Law of Incentive to the Culture of the Sao Paulo State, Brazil, at its '99 edition, is propitiating the realization of the video documentary "Paths of the Art", currently in phase of image recording, and which first public presentation is expected to the first semester of year 2000.

   Produced by Jose Carlos Fineis and Sandra Nascimento in the city of Sorocaba, 80 km far from Sao Paulo City, the project focuses the creative routine, dreams, processes, successes and difficulties of four Brazilian artists. They are: Paulo de Andrade (painter and sculptor), Ismenia Rogich (dancer and choreographer), Mario Persico (actor and teatral director) and Nilson Lombardi (composer of erudite music).

   "Our intention was to unmask the daily of people who survive exclusively from art, facing enormous difficulties to realize their work and, after all, transforming their environment with emotion and creativity", explains the director Jose Carlos Fineis.

   Beyond the sponsorship of the Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo State, the video documentary "Paths of the Art" has the support of Senac (National Service of the Commerce) and Assec (Association of Cultural Events of Sorocaba), and is receptive to partnerships with companies wich want to collaborate with founds.

   In accordance with the project, two hundred copies in VHS format will be distributed to all the schools of Sorocaba, libraries and cultural organisms. Also will be offered copies in Betacam format to the educative TV stations Culture (Sao Paulo) and TVE (Rio de Janeiro), for analysis and possible exhibition, and video festivals around the world.

    For more information about "Paths of the Art" and "Aluisio", e-mail the producers: