We’re going to be working with the Filimentality site this week and next.

(1) Visit this convention presentation Let's Create Web-based Learning Activities! (http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/ORTESOL2000web/home.html) by Michael Krauss and as you read it, try some of the links. You have already visited some of them, but others are new.

(2) Now, visit the Filimentality Introductory page (  http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/).Surf around and see what you can find.

(3) Read the Activity Formats page  ( http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/formats.html) Choose one type of activity you think your students would enjoy and that you could use efficiently in your teaching situation. You will be developing it next week so start thinking about a topic and surfing around. Bookmark any relevant sites you find so you can find them when you develop your activity.

(4) Post the answers the following questions: 
                     When could you (personally) use a:            Subject Sampler? 
                                                                                                Treasure Hunt? 
                                                                                                Multimedia Scrapbook?