James Dean Is Not Dead: Articles on the Web
There aren't that many articles you can find on Dean on the Web. Usually you'll find a little blurb here or there, a book review or maybe a comparison essay (actor 'X' is just like James Dean and here's why ...). This page is an attempt to link you directly to these articles. In the near future, I hope to generate a comprehensive bibliography including all the articles and books Dean biographers have used for their books (the ones that I own) on a seperate page.

If you have any suggestions for links, please feel free to email me at idiot__savant@yahoo.com.

you can never go home again

last updated 9 July 1998

Unless otherwise noted, all material Copyright © 1998 M. Dawn Matonis. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form without permission. James Dean Is Not Dead is neither affiliated with CMG Worldwide nor James Dean, Inc.