
Some common questions and commotions with the site and downloading...

1) Why *?


2) Why do I get a "page not available" error when i try to download?

               First off, did you Save As, or Copy to your Location Bar? ergh.
                Until I decide to pay out the bum for some webspace, geocities will suffice.
                Their alloted bandwidth per page is crappy though, and since I have numerous clips
                Burdened on a single page sometimes, the bandwidth limit is reached very quickly.
                Only need you wait, like the error page says, until you can download again. You can always
                Linger on AIM and ask me for clips. I'm glad to oblige.

3) What's yer AIM name?

               . Though, I must warn you that you run the gamut of getting blocked if you're not...personable.
                So be terse, kind, and SHUT UP.

4) Why all the hate?

               Abstinence leads to deviant behaviour. In my case, however, I need to use my bed for sleeping. See the bizarre parallel?

5) One last thing though..."ig."?!

               Better than "You're a Craphole.", and easier to remember.