

  ARE YOU FEELING.................????







              Like you just need a hug


Unlike your normal self    


           Harsh anger towards others...


...Enough to where you may become violent 




A bit edgy       










      Or as if no one understands you anymore...??



......If so, then you may be suffering from chronic unentertaining disorder, better known as R.P.T, or Regular Primetime Television...

If you think you might be a victim to this disease, don't worry, you are NOT alone.  You see, 9 out of every 10 Americans aren't believed to be getting the recommended amount of proper entertainment from their regular primetime shows...

...You may be asking yourself, "Who can I turn to for help???"


 Well, don't you worry, there is a show out there that has been proven to treat and cure this R.P.T disorder.  Whose Line is it Anyway?  You can experience "REAL" entertainment from this program.  That's right!  A show where their job is just, and only, to make you laugh.

Whose Line is a completely different concept of comedy and entertainment.  "What makes it so different??"  You may be pondering.  Well, ...it's ALL made up, right on the spot.  No prerehearsal, no pretense, NO predictions.  But of course, don't take it from me, see for yourself when you encounter, "The Genuine Whoser Experience"

Weekdays  @  10/9c  &  10:30/9:30c  on  ABC Family.

It's what's happening.


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