HeroQuest Logo

In addition to the main game, Milton Bradley produced 6 Quest Packs for HeroQuest:
There were 4 Quest Packs released in the US:
1) Kellar's Keep
2) The Return of the Witch Lord
3) Barbarian Quest Pack
4) Elf Quest Pack
There were 2 Quest Packs released only in Europe:
1) Against The Ogre Horde
2) The Wizards of Morcar
Also released only in Europe:
Adventure Design Kit

The complete contents of all the HeroQuest sets are listed below.

HeroQuest Main Game Box Image HeroQuest Main Game
31 Monsters:
8 Orcs
6 Goblins
3 Fimir
4 Chaos Warriors
1 Chaos Warlock
1 Gargoyle
4 Skeletons
2 Zombies
2 Mummies

4 Heroes:
1 Barbarian
1 Dwarf
1 Elf
1 Wizard

15 Pieces of Furniture:
2 Tables
1 Throne
1 Alchemist's bench
3 Treasure chests
1 Tomb
1 Sorcerer's table
2 Bookcases
1 Rack
1 Fireplace
1 Weapons rack
1 Cupboard

Miscellaneous items:
2 Candlesticks
1 Set of bottles
1 Set of scales
4 rats

21 Doors with bases:
5 Closed
16 Open

66 Playing Cards:
24 Treasure Cards
10 Artifact Cards
8 Monster Cards
3 Air Spells Cards
3 Fire Spells Cards
3 Earth Spells Cards
3 Water Spells Cards
12 Chaos Spell Cards

1 Gameboard
1 Instruction Booklet
1 Quest Book with 14 Quests

4 Character Cards:
1 Barbarian
1 Dwarf
1 Elf
1 Wizard

1 Information Screen
1 Pad of Character Sheets
6 Combat Dice
2 Six Sided Dice

Cardboard Tiles:
Blocked Squares
Pit Traps
Secret Doors
Falling Block Traps

Kellar's Keep Quest Pack Kellar's Keep Quest Pack
8 Orcs
6 Goblins
3 Fimir

Cardboard Tile Sheet:
1 Two-sided Iron Door
1 Two-sided Wooden Door
4 Short Stairway Tiles
2 Long Stairway Tiles
1 Cliff Corridor Tile
1 Giant Stone Boulder Tile
2 Trap Door Tiles
2 Pit Trap Tiles
12 Blocked Square Tiles
1 Weapons Forge Tile
1 Cloud of Chaos Tile
1 Four-part Stone Map Tile

Quest Book with 10 new quests

Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack
8 Skeletons
4 Mummies
4 Zombies

Cardboard Sheet:
1 Two-sided Iron Door
1 Two-sided Wooden Door
1 throne Room Tile
4 Coffin Tiles
6 Blocked Square Tiles
2 Pit Trap Tiles
4 Secret Door Tiles
1 Revolving Room Tile
1 Death Mist Tile

Quest Book with 10 new quests

Barbarian Quest Pack The Barbarian Quest Pack
1 Female Barbarian
6 Mercenaries
3 Ice Gremlins
2 Polar Warbears
2 Yetis
1 Frozen Horror

Cardboard Tile Sheet: 
(Tiles are as thick as the main game tiles.)
1 Iron Door
1 Wooden Door
11 Slippery Ice Tiles (4 sizes)
1 Bottomless Chasm Tile
6 Ice Tunnel Tiles
1 Ice Cave Entrance Tile
6 Blocked Square Tiles
2 Ice Vault Tiles (2 sizes)
2 Icy River Tiles (2 sizes)
1 Ice Slide Tile
6 Magic Ice Tiles
1 Living Fog Room Tile
1 Ice Ledge Tile
1 Cage Room Tile
1 Scepter Room Tile
1 Frozen Crypt Tile
1 Crystal key Tile
1 Seat of Power Tile
1 Ice Gremlin Treasure Room Tile
8 Skull Tiles

(Cards are same size, back design, and quality as main game.)
6 New Treasure Cards
8 New Monster Cards
6 New Chaos Spell Cards
10 New Artifact Cards

Quest Book with 10 new quests

Elf Quest Pack Box Image Elf Quest Pack
1 Female Elf
1 Elven Archmage
2 Elven Warriors
2 Elven Archers
3 Giant Wolves
4 Ogres

Cardboard Sheet:
1 Iron Door
1 Wooden Door
4 Portcullis Tiles
2 Mirror Tiles
1 Sky Orb Tile
4 Sky Orb Tokens
14 Skull Tiles
2 Trap Door Tiles
4 Secret Door Tiles
6 Blocked Square Tiles
3 Double Blocked Square Tiles
4 Pit Trap Tiles
3 Long Pit Trap Tiles
4 Wolf Tokens
4 Weapon Pack Tiles
1 Moonsilver Flask Tile
1 Brass Key Tile
1 Prospector Tile
1 Princess Millandriell Tile
1 Inner Sanctum Room
1 Inner Sanctum Wall
1 Quicksand Room
1 Spiral Stairway Tile

7 New Choas Spell Cards
8 New Elf Spell Cards
7 New Artifact Cards
4 New Treasure Cards
4 New Monster Cards

Quest Book with 10 new Quests

Against the Ogre Hoard (German Ed) Against the Ogre Hoard Quest Pack
1 Ogre Lord
1 Ogre Chieftain
1 Ogre Champion
4 Ogre Warriors

1 tile sheet with new rooms 

15 Chaos Spell tokens 

Quest Book with 7 New Quests

Wizards of Morcar Box (German Ed) Wizards of Morcar
4 Evil Wizards
12 Men-at-arms with weapons

1 Tile sheet

24 Evil Wizard Spells
9 New Wizard and Elf Spell cards
23 New Men-at-arms cards
8 New Treasure Cards

Quest Book with 5 new Quests

Adventure Design Kit Adventure Design Kit
1 Adventure design booklet containing:
4 pages of text describing:
	The label sheet
	Designing the Dungeon
	The Tale
	Blocking off areas
	Rooms and alternative routes
	Placing Furniture
	Placing Monsters
	Making Monsters interesting
	The Finished Dungeon
	Filling in the Notes
5 blank maps

4 identical sheets of monster and furniture stickers each containing:
14 goblins
24 orcs
10 zombies
14 skeletons
10 femir
11 Chaos Warriors
2 Gargoyles
8 Mummies
6 secret doors
22 doors
14 marking letters
2 thrones
5 spear traps
7 pit traps
4 falling block traps
20 single blocked squares
4 double blocked squares
5 chests
2 trap doors
3 tables
1 Alchemist's Bench
1 Torturer's rack
1 cupboard
3 bookcases
1 weapon's rack
1 fireplace
1 Wizard's table
1 Sarcophagus
2 spiral staircases

1 80-page pad of character sheets with a new layout

Do you have HeroQuest stuff that you would like to sell? Email me!