Illinois Federation of College Democrats
Illinois Federation of College Democrats
2004 candidates
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Thank you for visiting the new webpage of the Illinois Federation of College Democrats. We hope that you take some time and look around. While 2002 was a great year to be a Democrat in Illinois with the first Democratic Governor in over a quarter century, control of the state legislature, and all but one constitutional office, we hope to make 2004 a great year to be Democrats nationwide.

As Democrats and Americans, we must answer the call to end the assault that President Bush and Senator Fitzgerald have waged on students, working families, our environment, our civil rights and civil liberties, and on America's status with the rest the world. If you have questions about the Illinois College Democrats, please contact us.

Latest News

04.15.04 - IFCD Welcomes A New Chapter

03.05.04 - IFCD Exec Board Endorses Obama

IFCD Endorses Obama for Senate

College Democrats of America


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© 2001-2003 Illinois Federation of College Democrats