How does George Lucas come up with all those names?

     So, I was sitting there with a friend of mine.. and we just had to wonder, how does one come up with a name like "Chewbacca" I mean... come on? So anyway, we started trying to explain it.. and this is what we came up with:

Han Solo
<George> ::stares at hand:: What name do I give this nerfherder? What.. Mr. Hand? no no.. I can't name him that.. Hand.. hm.. too... obvious.. maybe.. And! er.. no... Han... Han! hmmm... dual han... no... just one... han.... uno... han uno.. no... just one... solo.... solo han.. no... han solo! yes!!

Death Star

<George> ok.. it's round.. it's bad ass.. Badass Sphere! ::laughs:: no no.. umm... DeathFromAbove Ball.. hmm.. Death is good though... hahaha Death Ball! err.. lame... ok ok.. so it's round, it's death and stuff, and it's in space and blows things up.. Death.. Space.. Death.. Planets.. Death.. Stars.. oh.. wait.. Death.. Star.. ooo


<George> ::chews on his pen:: mmm chewwy... Chewy.. hey.. that's cute! oh wait.. he can't be just Chewy, I may as well name him Bob.. um.. ok.. Chewy... no no.. Chew... err... Chew Chew! No... ::rubs his back:: grr... damn chair...wait.. Chewchair! no no.. Chew..back.. oooo cool.. and no no.. Back...uh....wait! that's brilliant!! Backuh! Chew bacca!

Luke Skywalker
<George> His name is... he should be named after me but nothing too obvious... lucas... luc... hmm... different spelling is Luke... Ooo... Luke umm.. ::looks out his window and sees a mountain:: hmmm... Luke Mountainclimber... no... ::looks up at the sky:: Hmmm.... Skyclimber... skyclouds... ::sees someone rollerskate by:: Luke Rollerskater... no... Luke Skyskater... hmmm... I am Skyskater... no... :sees someone walk back:: Ooo... Skaterwalker... no Skywalker... Eureka!

Lando Calrissian
<George> ::sighs:: Where have all the cowboys gone? err... Home, home on thr range.. yes, that's it.. so much range, so much Land.. Oh Land, Oh Land.. wait.. Lando.. ohhh cool... and.. Lando... Of California... huh.. Lando California.. Lando Cali.. no no...Lando.. Cal...ornia? duuh... Calr.. <Snake> ::hisses:: <George> Hissss Calhiss... Calrrrissss... oo sounds like.. French or something.. Lando.. Calriss..ian.. hahaha great

Obi-wan Kenobi
<George> ::dances around to 60's music:: Oh behave!! Oh be... ha... Ohbe! hmm.. cooool.. Obi... no too short... umm... Oh Behave You! Obi You.. ::laughs:: P U... err.. right.. ::drinks some coffee:: ahh Juan, such a good mix.. Juan Valdez ::laughs:: no no.. Obi Valdez? hmm... Obi.. Juan! Obi ... wan! Right well.. whatever ::plays with 'action figures':: Oh Barbie.. let's go to the mall today!! Oh.. Ken! such a good idea!! Ken.. and Obi-wan.. no no Barbie and Obi-wan! Fine fine.. Barbie and Obi-wan Ken.. Obi Wanken ::laughs:: wanker.. err.. Obi-wan.. Ken... Obi-wan.. Ken... Obi... Kenobi! Obi-wan Kenobi!

<George> Hmm... now for the dame... Princess.... Princess Monica? Noo... hmmm ::looks around his room:: Oh, there's my Lei.... a lei a lei ::hiccups:: Leia! Princess Leia ::claps for himself:: yay :hears crazy lady next door playing her organ:: Shut that infernal machine off!! I hate organs!! But.. wait.. Leia.. Organ.. hmm... Leia.. Organ..a! Leia Organa!

<George> ::sits on the floor with his legs crossed in front of him and mutters:: gotta do my yoga... yoga... ::closes his eyes:: hmm... yoga da yoga... yoda ga.... heey Yoda! and he should be as tall as I'm sitting....

<George> ::sings:: Oh my darlin' oh my darlin, oh my darlin' clementine.. you are gone and lost forever oof! heart palpitations!! Palpa... hey.. cool... Clementine.. Palpamentine.. Palpa..tine!

Nien Nunb
<George> ::giggles:: My knee is numb.. num-buh.. ::giggles again:: Again! Agnien!! err.. typo, hahaha Agnien Number! err.. Agnien.. Numb... Nu..nb! Nunb, haha.. Agnien Nunb.. ag.. bleh.. Nien Nunb, there" 

Jabba the Hutt
<George> I'm hungry.... gotta order out ::giggles:: I want pizza hut.. ::dials and orders pizza:: ::sings:: Pizza from the hut... then gonna jab... jib jab.... jabba with pizza from the hut... heeeeey ::dances around:: Jabba the Hutt"

Mon Mothma
<George> gaaah!! moths!! mon amis, save me! Moths... mothmama! ::giggles:: err.. Mothma.. oo... Mon Amis Mothma.. err.. Mon Mothma? Sure why not..

Boba Fett
<Kid> ::has a fit:: <Geoge> Stop that! I hate fits! Fit.. Fitt.. no.. stupid.. Fi.. Fat! ::giggles:: right.. Fet.. Fett, hahaha.. ok... uhh... <Kid> ::plays with Bobo the clown:: <George> Hmm.. Bobo Fet.. ::laughs:: right.. ok ok.. Bobe Fett... ::laughs more:: silly.. Bob Fett? ok ok.. Boba.. Fett.. ooo

Darth Vader
<George> ::pounds on key board:: sdartfhg huh... sdart.. dart! err... hehe Dart Board! ok.. Dart..f... Darf ::laughs:: barf board.. ok ok.. no.. Dart..h.. Darthhh good... um.. he's bad.. he's a bad ass.. Shaft! Darth Shaft! err.. ok.. um.. bad people are conquerors and invaders and like.. duude.. Darth Invader, ooo.. no no.. Darth.. 'N Vader? ::laughs:: sounds like a cosmic Kwuik-e-mart err.. Darth.. Vader, cooool

<George> ::stares at paper:: You are soooo annoing.. stupid.. hmph.. that's what I'll call you, Annoying!! ::laughs:: right.. Annoy.. hmm.. Annoyhim.. Annoy.. <Mom> Come here Georgikins <George> ......grr.... oo.. Annoykins.. no no.. Annoykin, ok.. um.. stupid.. still.. An..Anna! ::laughs:: girly.. Annakin.. well, not bad.. he's annoying so.. ::laughs:: ANNAkin..

R2D2 and C-3PO
<George> now the robots.... d'oh, i mean droids, silly me... let's see... i want numbers and a bunch of letters... hmmm... apple 2? no no, that's my computer.... A2B2? no...sounds like a part number... i know i'll hit a bunch of keys at once and see what happens... ::hits his keyboard again:: s3o7598fuqp3w94r2d298oawe34
::imitates the letters and numbers in a funny voice:: hello, i'm S3O7? noo... too odd...::tries again:: hello i'm 3W94? hmm... sounds like WD40... hello i'm R2D2.... Oooo...ok ok... ::hits keyboard again:: ckalsdfjl3po.. hmm..skal...3.... I see.. my three... aww how cute.. err.. ok ok C3.. like C4 hahaha.. err.. ::heads his mail:: PO box 2341! C3..PO... oooo

Dark Side
<George> now we need a name.... bad guys... they're from the wrong side of the tracks... Wrong Side Track.... ::imitates Vader:: Join the Side Tracks... no... Join the Wrong Side... hmm... still... it's a bad place... evil... bad..... Evil Side.... Join the Evil Wrong Side... no no too long.... dark bad side.... Dark Tracks! oh no... not good.... Dark Side... Oooo, love it

<George> ::watches Monty Python's Quest For the Holy Grail:: Your Mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of Elderberries!! ::laughs:: wait.. what's an elderberry? Dunno.. Mr. Elderberrie.. Mr. Elder.. err.. AEOUlder? A..lder.. ooo... ::looks at his book:: See Jane.. Alder Jane.. see Jane run.. Alder see.. Alder run.. Alder.. ran.. oo Alderaan

General Veers
<George> I need a name.. I also need to go to Sears.. huh... General Sears.. ::laughs:: no no... ooo let me use an underused letter muahahaha.. Xears.. no no.. V.. Vears! wait.. Veers! oo!

<George> ::reads the Divine Comedy, tries to laugh:: I don't see how this is funny.. Stupid Dante!! Dante.. Dant..a ::giggles:: now you're a guuurl huh.. wait.. Dant-- ::falls down off his chair:: weeeeeeeee!! oo.. Danta... wee.. Dantawee... hmm... Dantaweem.. ::laughs:: Dantaween.. hmm.. Dantouine... yes, frenchy ::laughs::

<George> I'm sooo hungry I could eat a camel.. well.. maybe just some tater tots.. ::giggles:: Tatertots.. Tater.. ::does Boston accent:: Taeta.. Tata.. hmm.. ::falls off his chair thinking again:: weeeeeeeeeeeeee.. oh.. right Tat.. Tatouine.. ::laughs:: why not?

<George> I am soo tired... Iam.. Iams! ::laughs:: dog food.. Iama.. I am a whale.. ok ok.. it's a queen.. uh.. Iamaqueen.. Iama err.. car... umm.. light bright.. err.. whale! ok ok.. no.. I am a.. uhh.. sweety.. err.. doll.. hmm.. Iamadoll.. Iamadoll uh... oo Iamadolla... ok ok.. Iamadala.. still sounds like dog food ::laughs:: ok.. Amidala.. yay!

Qui-Gon Jinn
<George> ::does Karate chops:: Haaaaaiiiii Yah! hm.. Haiya.. Haya! ::laughs:: Kung-Fu, the legend continues!! Bridge on the River Kwai! Kwai-yah! hm.. Kwai.. no no used.. uh.. oo wiat.. Qui! ook ok... ::drinks some Gin:: Qui Gin! no no.. Qui Jinn.. Cajun! ::laughs:: hmm.. need another syllable.. my brain is sooo gone.. Gone Qui Jinn.. Jinn Qui Gonn.. err.. Qui.. Gon.. Jinn! ooo

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Note: Thank you Kari!!!