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At 75 years of age, the Illinois Dairy Goat Association may be one of the oldest dairy goat associations in the United States. The Illinois Dairy Goat Association began its original organization as the Illinois Milk Goat Breeder's Association on January 20, 1927. The first general meeting of the organization was held two months later in Chicago, Illinois, with 30 dairy goat breeders and owners attending.

Later the same year, The Goat World contained a report of the Illinois State Fair held in August indicating that "The success of the show is due to the efforts of the members of the Illinois Milk Goat Association, who have worked untiringly since they organized last January to put the milk goat in its proper place in Illinois. The milk goat breeders of Illinois have put the milk goat in its proper place in this state and the thousands of visitors ...will testify that the little dairy animal is a necessity and not merely an ornament. The goat exhibit was the largest ever seen in this state, and from the enthusiasm shown by the many breeders... next year's show will be much larger." The importance attached to milk production was evident in the trophy, a silver cup donated by the president of the Illinois Milk Goat Association, which was given to the doe giving the largest amount of milk.

The association worked closely with the Illinois State Fair, and for several years, the goat show sponsored by the Illinois Milk Goat Breeder's Association was the largest goat show held in the country.

In 1946, the Illinois Dairy Goat Association had the distinction of hosting the first National Show sponsored by ADGA (then known as AMGRA, the American Milch Goat Record Association), and in 1996, again hosted the show.

In 1958, the membership unanimously agreed to change the name of the association to the Illinois Dairy Goat Association.

As the current constitution states, "the object and purpose of the Illinois Dairy Goat Association is to promote the breeding and raising of dairy goats and the improving and developing of the dairy goat breeds; to educate the public as to the value of the dairy goat and dairy goat products; to promote and encourage the public exhibition of dairy goats; and to promote closer fellowship among the members of the Association through meetings, conferences, and correspondence for the purpose of interchanging helpful ideas and also in general to provide in every way possible for mutual benefit and protection of all members."

While the name and constitution have changed slightly through the years, the Illinois Dairy Goat Association continues to stand firm in its dedication to the dairy goat. The success and longevity of the Illinois Dairy Goat Association can be attributed to the members who have volunteered their time and resources on behalf of the club over the past 75 years.