Lunar Illusions

*Master's Voice*
Master Hunter_n_Illusions
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The aroma, the flavor of your essence is My addiction. The urge to feel your intoxicating fire, My undeniable need. you lay before Me, insatiable, pierced deeply by My loins. Me so eager for your warmth Yet vulnerable; helpless, against your thirst and Mine. I sear you, draining your captive heart and womb. Until tomorrow, My sweet, when I am hungry again I'll bleed your soul - a victim to My addiction.

I rule your nights as any lover should; breezy whispers caressing clefts and curves, fire consumes your inhibitions and the wood; uncertain as to which one serves. I know your body better than you, it willingly answers My commands. But, however you may to Me comply, in the end you yield to My demands.

Tonight O/our ritual may commence, for you have answered the question of slave; is clear: without Me you are lost.Thus, because I so desire, I will enter, to create the illusion for I am the Master.
Everything you are, everything you'll be, touches the current of love so deep in Me... Every sigh in the night, every tear that you cry, seduces Me...

And all that i am and all that i'll be... means nothing at all, if You can't be with me... Your most innocent kiss or Your sweetest caress, seduces me....
W/we lie entangled, enraptured, your breath rhythmic, relaxed, a sensuous lullaby just for Me. My touch once so eager, urgent, now strokes softly along your skin. Renewing your moistened heat, intense. W/we lie as One entangled eternal. Soul and mind mates for life. A fire undying, undampened, by the dark passages of time.
I walk among growing shadows, watching, you. I've traveled, looked and found you. I've listen to your
soft words, I know your intimate secrets, your desires. I find, myself, celebrating the ecstasy of
the kiss of leather, the consummation of your passion, My appetite unequaled.  O/others will exhort the
endless pleasure of O/ours desires that flow. My essence bound in this mortal form is no longer
satisfied with, mundane carnality of the past, but seeks more in the embrace.  I taste the thrill of the
hunt, the power to consume. I want the fire of your body pressed next mine. Carnal appetites compelled me
to unveil your presence in moon's shadows. I have watched, and fantasized. My own touch brings no
pleasure or climax, as I move with only imagery without O/our embrace.  Your frenzied desires scream,
"Take me, quench this insatiable appetite."  I Draw life's essence from your supple, mortal shell, bathe
you in raptures whispered by O/our passion, meld U/us into endless rhythms of time.  Tonight, I shall bind
O/our desires, with tether and lash and quench O/our desires at last.