Kristen Sharpe - 07/11/00 05:14:40
How you found my page: Doing a Geocities search for SWAT Kats
What you think of my page: Kewl! (Cool)
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: More on Kit and Kat!
Your favorite one of my characters: Kit and Kat!
Why?: The storyline really caught my eye.
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Pixie Stix!!!!!!!!

Great page. Love the drawings and the characters! And, I'll be back to read some of the stories... just as soon as I'm not RPing whilst I surf!

RaPtoR666, Cain666, Neo666 - 04/25/00 06:19:09

tHe LaSt MeSsAgE cOnTaInEd A uNcAnEd ViRuS, aLsO kNoWn As "aCiD-rAiN" MaDe By "RaPtoR666" We WiLl LeAvE iT uP tO yOu Ta' FiGuRe OuT wHaT tHaT iS

RaPtoR666, Cain666, Neo666 - 04/25/00 06:16:00

((-tHiS iS tHe BoMb-))

Cain666 - 04/25/00 06:13:47

i think i have saidenough here

Neo666 - 04/25/00 06:12:15

not much to say but what kinda whore makes a page like this?

Cain666 - 04/25/00 06:10:47

well there is not much to say here, except the obvious...well i am sure anyone not fucked up on crack and tryn' to O.D. off-a cold ezze will know this page is shit

RaPtoR666 - 04/25/00 06:08:43
What you think of my page: it's shit!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: uhh either way it will still blow ass


RaPtoR666 - 04/25/00 06:06:40
What you think of my page: it's shit!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: uhh either way it will still blow ass

well bitch, a.k.a Emiko we here at 666 would like to let all your friends know about how you give sexual favors to hobos for 50 cents

RaPtoR666 - 04/25/00 06:03:44
What you think of my page: it's shit!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: uhh either way it will still blow ass

well bitch, a.k.a Emiko we here at 666 would like to let all your friends know about how you give sexual favors to hobos for 50 cents

Ty Pandya - 04/12/00 21:23:43
How you found my page: Emiko showed me it
What you think of my page: it's cool
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: LINKS TO MY PAGE
Your favorite one of my characters: Connie
Why?: i dunno
Your personal saying or catch phraze: i dunno

Your page is cool, but it would be better if you had links to mine!

Albert - 02/22/00 22:04:28
How you found my page: Becky-link
What you think of my page: ! ! ! . . . Bright. . . ! ! !
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: Contrast
Your favorite one of my characters: . . . Don't make me choose. . .
Why?: They're all pretty cool.
Your personal saying or catch phraze: ::Censored::


Angela - 06/11/99 21:26:51
How you found my page: you gave it to me
What you think of my page: its cool
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: nothing
Your favorite one of my characters: connie and demmy
Why?: there neat
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Pikachu

all the cherters are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindy - 05/18/99 14:08:10
How you found my page: surfing
What you think of my page: cute


Jackie Nguyen - 05/16/99 00:10:02
My Email:Jacqi917
How you found my page: met u at Laura's party
What you think of my page: This is really creative! I luv it!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: I just think u need to add mroe pics! Don't take out any though!
Your favorite one of my characters: Hard to choose. I have many now!
Why?: They all look colorful and lively
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Reach for the stars!

This was a really good website, and even though u don't know me that well, considering we just met only yesterday, just by looking at these drawings i could tell you have a lot of talent! Remember never to give this talent up, alright?

Cheryl Parrish - 04/18/99 00:42:29
My Email:Aphrodite's Homepage
How you found my page: well, duh!
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "My immortality spell won't last forever, you know!"

I was just wondering if HTML would work in you guest book!

Anabel Marquez - 04/12/99 19:33:19
How you found my page: Through YOU!
What you think of my page: WONDERFUL!
Your favorite one of my characters: Demmy
Why?: Very cute.
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Good Things Come to Those Who Wait!

Hello Emiko! You see, I really did visit your Web Page . I congratulate you on all your drawings. I think that if you keep it up, You'll make it BIG! Just remember that in order to do and get somewhere in life you must never give up....So keep it up. C-ya Later. ANABEL M.

Ana - 04/12/99 18:39:49
How you found my page: You typed it in for me
What you think of my page: Colorful and creative
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: More pictures
Your favorite one of my characters: ILLUTIANA
Why?: I like your use of color on her hair and it has a cute face.
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Your weird,

Emiko, You skill have alot of work to do I'll have to check back in again when you put Kora on your web page and your summary of stories is interesting no, not your game but yes the visual descriptions of the scenes in the game are to say the least very nteresting I hope to play the game soon. Okay I have to do my homework now. Your Friend , Ana

Crista - 03/10/99 23:57:57
My Email:Welcome to my world
Why?: Arg I hope this wroks... otherwise I'll look stupid;)

H a p p p y B - da y!!!

Emiko Cothran - 03/10/99 20:24:20
My URL:(This one!)
How you found my page: I created it!
What you think of my page: I love it, duh.
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: Finish it! .... but then it will never be finished so... I guess WORK on it is more apropiate. I'll be adding to it till... forever or it crashes, which-ever comes frist
Your favorite one of my characters: Convict Connie
Why?: I guess because she is so different. especilly in contrast to all my suruyp sweet characters that hurt your teeth just to look at. Connie is MEAN, she beats up kids for their lunch money just because she wants them to fear her! I have gone in and out with my other faverites, and Demmy is my over all, but Connie is a lot of fun! and as for members of the Emi-Clan I would have to say that Convict Connie Heather Herth is still raigning champion.
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "Oh, I KNOW!" "How sad" (and) "Ja Know what I mean?" (all extreamly over used)

I dunno, I just thought that I sign my own guestbook incase anyone was curious what my opinions to the questions I asked was. Love ya all. bye-bye.

Becky-chan - 03/08/99 05:22:15
How you found my page: I've got a link to it! ^_^
What you think of my page: I like it better every time I stop by! ^_^
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: More stuff by that Becky Richards girl. ^_^
Your favorite one of my characters: Hmm . . . that's a hard one . . .
Why?: Because there's so many great characters to choose from!
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "Fighting crime, trying to save the world! Here they come, just in time! The Powerpuff Girls!" ^_^

I'd like to see more art by that Becky Richards girl! She's a really great artist! Tell her to draw more! ^_^ Love ya, Emi-chan! ^_^ V,, (Look! It's that Japanese "V" that anime characters always do! ^_^)

Becky-chan - 03/08/99 05:18:49
How you found my page: I've got a link to it! ^_^
What you think of my page: I like it better every time I stop by! ^_^
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: More stuff by that Becky Richards girl. ^_^
Your favorite one of my characters: Hmm . . . that's a hard one . . .
Why?: Because there's so many great characters to choose from!
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "Fighting crime, trying to save the world! Here they come, just in time! The Powerpuff Girls!" ^_^

I'd like to see more art by that Becky Richards girl! She's a really great artist! Tell her to draw more! ^_^ Love ya, Emi-chan! ^_^ V,, (Look! It's that Japanese "V" that anime characters always do! ^_^)

Crista - 03/06/99 03:52:18

About my last comment: Actually I like the button on your page equal to the way it looks on my page.

Crista - 03/06/99 03:47:12
My Email:Crista'sHomePage

I have sene taht button before.. around all those words!!! I believe it was on _my_ page! and uhm, you stoled it mmm kay:P I don;t really care, but you coulda asked first.. :) By the way.. it looked bette ron my page, you need a more "rainbowie one" I will look for one like that, because well.. I liek being original too you know;)

Just me again! - 02/25/99 23:10:26
How you found my page: You gave me the addy . . .
What you think of my page: Very bright and cheerful
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: We're working on it . . . ^_^
Your favorite one of my characters: Um . . . Kumi . . . no, Dragonwing . . . wait . . . ^_^
Why?: I dunno . . . something about them just striles me as majorly awsome! ^_^
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "Throw it in my face why don't you you guys are all alike!"


Nancy Ann - 02/24/99 19:34:32
How you found my page: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What you think of my page: It's GRR-reat!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: a few lil fishies...nah, just kidding. It's comin' along just great. Love the colours, ooh the colours, the colours, ok I'll stop now.....
Your favorite one of my characters: I like all the kitty characters!
Why?: Because!
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

Love it, love it! Looking forwards to seeing more from you! Will ya sign my napkin now so I can aution it off at Sotherby's when you're rich and famous!?! Huh, huh?!?

Bryan - 02/19/99 01:45:31
My Email:Email
How you found my page: you told me where to go
What you think of my page: good i like the characters
Your favorite one of my characters: i dont know
Your personal saying or catch phraze: hecka

hi emiko

Maria - 02/18/99 22:02:21

Emiko, WOW! I'm impressed, you have obviously but some hard work on your page. You know what I always thought about your artwork, and I'm glad that is now in a place where many can appreciate your talent. Congratulations, Maria.

Jinuma Nagami - 02/17/99 22:16:26
How you found my page: YOU!
What you think of my page: It's still way cool!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: uhmmm... finish it???
Your favorite one of my characters: Right now? Uhmmm... Darkstar! HAH! Thought I'd say one you had on your page, didn't you?!?! :)
Why?: She's the closest thing to a villian you're capable of??
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "My immortality spell won't last forever, you know!"

I thought I'd sign your guestbook again. i can't find half the pages you say exist! Please fix??? Cheryl (aka Raven)

Elvira - 02/01/99 03:36:07
How you found my page: You sent me an e-mail saying go to my page mmmm kay?
What you think of my page: It's kewl..
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: background instead of pink
Your favorite one of my characters: Crista
Why?: she is dope
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "Shoot as high as possible, even if you don;t attain your goal, you will be closer than if you had shot lower and achieved" -by me

Nice page.. sorry the last message got screwed up.. hehe NIce page!

Elvira - 02/01/99 03:31:03
How you found my page: You sent me an e-mail saying go to my page mmmm kay?
What you think of my page: It's kewl..


Jinuma Nagami - 02/01/99 00:18:51
How you found my page: You told me about it (several times!)
What you think of my page: It's WAY COOL!!!!!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: ummm.... finish that myracian class page like you said you would in that e-mail?
Your favorite one of my characters: At the MOMENT... Kit and Kat.
Why?: .......I just DO, you know that!
Your personal saying or catch phraze: "My immortality spell won't last forever, you know!"

You told me to sign your guestbook... so I did! If you check this anytime soon, I thought I should let you know to e-mail me at Metalikat21 is down! I'm not sure why. I love your page, it's way cool! Cheryl AKA The Raven

tina - 01/29/99 05:40:07
How you found my page: you told me about it! : )
What you think of my page: I love it!!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: more pics of you?
Your favorite one of my characters: dont know yet, like em all!

Wow! You have done a great job on your page! I love your artwork, and your usage of colors in your text! See you soon! *hugs* Tina

tina - 01/29/99 05:36:55
My Email:still tina (hehe)
How you found my page: you told me about it! : )
What you think of my page: I love it!!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: more pics of you?
Your favorite one of my characters: dont know yet, like em all!

Wow! You have done a great job on your page! I love your artwork, and your usage of colors in your text! See you soon! *hugs* Tina

Kumi Hasaki (again, just like I promised) ^_^ - 01/28/99 23:41:42
My URL: 1979
How you found my page: Same as last time!
What you think of my page: I checked out the Demmy part this time! I'm IMPRESSED!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: Check your spelling, love. I'll help you.
Your favorite one of my characters: It's still Hanbiko, but I've always liked Demmy.
Why?: Why not?
Your personal saying or catch phraze: When it doubt, attack it like Don Quixote!

Your Demmy site is really good! Your art just keeps improving! I really enjoyed how you showed Demmy's developement throughout the years. Keep it coming, babe! You're doing great! (And I'll help you with your spelling in private e-mail.)

Kumi Hasaki ^_^ - 01/28/99 23:25:01
My URL: 1979
My Email:Song and Dance Productions Headquarters
How you found my page: You told me to come here, silly!
What you think of my page: TOTEMO AKARUI DESU!!!!
What I can change or add to my page to make it better: I dunno . . . I ahven't actually looked at it yet! ^_^
Your favorite one of my characters: Uh . . . Hanabiko! ^_^
Why?: Gee, I wonder. ^_^
Your personal saying or catch phraze: Shogun? Shogun, shogun, shogun, sho--de nani?

Hi, Emi-chan! I'll look through, then sign the book again! How does that sound? ^_^

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