Piper has the ability to freeze time, otherwise known as Temporal Statis. During season 3 she develpoed a power to blow things up, otherwise known as Molecular Combustion. They both come in very handy when fighting demons.
Phoebe has the power to see things from the past and from the future. These are called Premonitions. She also developed the power to levitiate.
Paige : 
After Prue died she inherited the power of telekinesis. But because she is also half whitelighter, Paige's powers work differently. It is called Telekinetic Orbing. She also has the power to orb and heal.
Leo : 
Leo has the ability to orb to any place. He can also levitate, heal, sense his charges, the use of memory dust and he speaks another language. All whitelighters speak this language. It is a clicking sound.
Prue : 
Prue can move things with her mind, Telekinesis. She also developed the power of astral projection, the ability to be in to places at once.
Cole : 
Cole throw energy balls and shimmer. When he became the source, his energy balls became fireballs and his shimmering became fire transporting.
piper freezing bullets
paige orbing
prue moving a plank of wood to attack a grimlock
phoebe levitating