The world was shockened and shakened by what they heard had happened in America. Our emontions are high with anger, disbelievement, sadness and confusion. Two of the worlds tallest and most important buildings had been purposely distroyed. Washinton's Pentagon too had been parcially distroyed. But most important of all thousands and thousands of lives had been taken. Everyone all around the world has been stuck to their TV sets. The images and  real life footage they seen has been most disturbing... no one can ever know just HOW scary that must have been to witness. My heart goes out to all Americans that have survived, that have died and the families of the innocent victims. I'm sure where ever they are now, they are safe.
       The biggest question now is what will happen? Will retailating cause another world war? To be honest, no one knows the answer to what could happen to the future, but my view is that everybody in the world apart from a small amount of people are on the Americans side. The attack on America wasn't an attack just on America but in the hearts of millions and millions of people all over the world. And as much as we want to  retaliate, we also just want peace. I personally don't think there is going to be a world war, the Americans have too many people on their side for any of the countries that may be against them to cause any fuss. And they will realise that when the Americans find out who has done this. The Americans are strong. They will not be defeated. We have to stay strong and stand up for what we believe in, if not for ourselves, but for our families and the people who have died, and for their families too.