Little Ricky Facts

Little Ricky was born in 1953. The Arnazes' real-life son, Desi Jr., was born on the same day as the episode featuring Little Ricky's birth was aired.

Little Ricky is in kindergarten in 1956 (See NitAlert)

Little Ricky can play the conga drum as well as the "regular" drums. In real life, Keith Thibodeaux, who played Little Ricky, can play the drums great!

Little Ricky's pets include a dog, two fish, two birds, two turtles, a frog, and a dog; there used to be a lizard, but it fell (or jumped) out the window.

Little Ricky's middle name is Alberto, because that was his dad's (Big Ricky) middle name.

Little Ricky's school teacher is Mrs. Pringle.

Little Ricky played the lead of The Enchanted Forest, as a little boy who dreamed of visiting an enchanted forest.

Little Ricky has a pet turtle.

Little Ricky and Stevie Appleby were born four days apart.

Stevie was born at 12:00 p.m. and Little Ricky at 11:00 a.m. (See NitAlert.)

Little Ricky likes to name his pets after his loved ones.

Little Ricky was born in 1953, and he's in kindergarten in 1956?? Why would they accept a three-year-old?

Little Ricky's birth time, as stated in "Lucy and Superman," makes no sense; why would Ricky have to perform at the club, as stated in "Lucy Goes to the Hospital", at 11:00 a.m.?