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The following are sites or businesses that have earned my total utter disdain and contempt for offenses against the T-community.

Dark Entry

Bourbon Street, next to and over the infamous Papa Joe's. They were known as a supposedly T-friendly boutique specializing in goth/party wear. Recently, my ex girlfriend, who is transsexual, applied for a job there. I told them that she was a transsexual before calling her and telling her about the opening. She came in person, looking her very best, to pick up and fill out an application for the job. She was asked the next day over the phone, without even an interview, to come right in and work the next evening, but told she must not wear female attire. Did the management know how ridiculous it would be to a transsexual to be told to wear men's clothing? Did they think it would be proper to order a willing and eager applicant for a job to go out and buy gender-inappropriate clothing for a minimum wage job? Were they surprised or shocked that a transsexual would live as a woman, in female clothing? Did they purposely seek to humiliate her for some bigoted reason? Who knows. Perhaps their intentions were totally honorable and in everyone's best interests. HA! Well, I will NEVER shop there EVER AGAIN, and I refuse to associate with anyone who will shop there. Get the message, people. The facts tell us what: that they like us? That they respect us? You tell me. And tell them, by not shopping there.

Papa Joe's

This landmark eyesore bills its hostesses as "female impersonators". Need I say more? Actually yes, I do. They provide employment of a sort to one of the most discriminated against groups of people in existence, at some cost to the girls' self-esteem and dignity, but that is besides the point. Got money to waste? Feel like being hassled and hustled by girls in the throes of hormone rage? Want a seamy, dirty atmosphere that leaves you wishing for a hot shower? Want to be argued and fought over by the girls as if you and your money were mere property, with no will of your own? Want to pay entirely too much for a rather warm and very small glass of beer? Step right in.

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Copyright © 2001 by Miss Helen Detroit
All rights reserved.
May not be reproduced for redistribution without permission of the author.
Most recent revision 22 July 2001