Who's Puar ?

NAME: Puar (Pu-W-Are)
MEANING: a Chinese tea
BORN: 745 A.D.
ABILITIES: Shape Shifting, Flying
ENGLISH VOICE ACTOR(S): Cathy Weseluck, Monica Antonelli

For those of you who don't know, Puar is the fuzzy, blue, shapeshifting cat from DragonballZ.
Puar went to a shapeshifting school where he was picked on by a bully named Oolong, who stole his lunch money.
Unlike Oolong, (who got kicked out of school the first year for peeking at the female teacher's panties) Puar can transform for hours at a time rather than a mere 5 minutes.
Puar can transform into many useful things; a Compass, a pair of Sissors, a Key, a Sword, a Bat (the flying kind), a Bat (the baseball kind), a Ladder, a Porcupine (don't ask), a Monster, a Fly swatter, an Umbrella, and even Son Goku! Plus much, much more!
But there are some things that Puar can't transform into, like gasoline or fuel (he'd get all used up) and transforming does not increase his strength.
We first met Puar in the early DragonBall series, where Puar is the best friend and loyal sidekick to Yamcha, a fearsome desert bandit. Aside from transforming and spotting their next victim, Puar has the busy job of protecting Yamcha from the scary girls.
This is about when Goku and co. came into the desert heading toward Fry-Pan Mountain. Puar got his revenge on Oolong by transforming and smacking Oolong down before he could escape. After this Puar mostly protects Yamcha from Bulma, (one of those scary girls) but then he becomes a big help by transforming into a bat and escaping from Emperor Pilaf's prison, to try to stop the evil dwarf from summoning the Eternal Dragon. After this Yamcha gets over is fear of women, and he and Puar move to the city so Yamcha can be Bulma's boyfriend. Puar remains a loyal friend, even helping out in some of the battles (see fortune teller Baba's fighters).
As the series goes on into DragonBallZ, we see less and less of Puar. But he manages to squeeze in some good parts, and he's still the cute, blue kitty we all know and love.
Because of Puar's unusual voice, many people argue about whether Puar is a girl or a boy. In the Manga, Puar is referred to as a boy, in the anime, Puar is reffered to as a girl.
One of Puar's major dislikes is when Yamcha sings the jingle from a cat food commercial.
Don't let Puar's cute and cuddly looks fool you, Puar can sometimes get scared easily, but when things get serious, he's ready to kick booty!
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