TAKING PICfURES OH NO !! WHAT HAPPENED. Wednesday, September 1, 19998:01 PM .Page 1 of 1 http://community-l.webtv .net/gerne1li7 rr AKINGPICTURFSOHNO/page6 .html


If you are using an SLR camera you can use a correction filter over the lens to compensate for the greenish tint from flourescent lights.Also your negatives will be on the reddish side. If you are using a point and shoot the lab will have to correct the photos for you. If your photos come back with a greenish color to the backround it can be fixed by making a simple color correction, so if the photo lab didnt do it ask them to. Most of the time they are happy to fix it for you. Remember though when shooting with a point and shoot camera in flourescent lighting try sticking with the higher ASA ' s such as

400asa 800asa .The higher the asa the more light it lets in. but be careful if you use to high of a speed such as 1600 asa you run the risk of overexposure


Incandescent lighting is the type of lighting that comes from an ordinary light bulb. Color film and this tpye of light do not work well together. Negatives will be blue and photos will be yellow.

Film that is said to be used for daylight should not be used for this type of lighting unless you have and SLR camera where you can add an 80Blue-A filter. Using a flash will help eliminate yellow photos. If you are using a point and shoot

try using 200 or 400 asa with a flash. You may still see some yellow and again your I Hour Photo Lab should automatically be color correctng these types of photos for you. And by the way, the reason I mention I hour Photo Labs as opposed to a send out service, which is less expensive is because, the send out services volumes are so high that it is impossible for them to correct every photo that goes thru there. Most of there work is ran thru automatically, whereas in a one hour lab they have more time to go thru each frame.

In the lab where I work I do not allow my associates to put our printer on automatic.

I insist that someone be at the printer at all times insuring that only the best quality prints are leaving our lab, and all of the one hour labs should be doing that in my opinion.

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