.I Untitled' Wednesday, September 1,19998:06 PM .Page 1 of 1

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Every film type has an ASA. ASA means American Standards Association. This is a rating

on a film. It i~ a measurement of film speed and the sensitivity of a particular film. Film ranges from slow to fast speeds. the higher the ASA number(exam. 200asa 400asa) the more light it lets in.


TAKING PICTURES OH NO !! WHAT HAPPENED. Wednesday, September 1,1999 7:56 PM .Page 1 of 1

I http://community-I.webtv .net/gerneIIi7 rr AKINGPICTURESOHNO/page2 .html


J Underexposed negatives occur when there is not enough light used when taking the picture. This can be caused

~ by not using aflash when it was needed or you used a flash but the batteries were low. It could be that your film ..speed was too slow, the aperature setting was too small, or the shutter speed setting was too fast. If you used an

automatic camera chances are it was either your film speed or your flash. If you know that both of those were correct then you might want to have your light meter checked in your camera if the problem continues.

The colors in a photo printed from an underexposed negative will be flat and dull and most of the time the one hour labs cant fix them, but a professional lab might.

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