Code of Fixed Code Programmable Remote Controller



Programmable Remote Controllers (PRC) such as Remocon, Jenius for fixed code applications e.g. garage doors, usually have a MCU inside and a 93C46 as memory.

Here, I try to read out the data of the 93C46 and try to figure out it's meaning. 

I use JDM programmer and IC-Prog to programming 93C46.

First, you have to short circuit the 8.2V Zener diode in JDM, to low down the MCLR from 13.3V to 5.1V. A jumper is good for this, and very convenient for back to 13.3V.

Next, you need a 6 pins connecter.

 JDM pin no. name 93C46 pin
12 Clock SK/CK
13 Data I/O DI / DO (two wires)
14 Vcc Vcc

Be careful. the outlets maybe different, check your PRC.

Here are pin map of Remocon & Jenius



One of the most popular fixed code encoder is HT12E, form the datasheet, we see..

Sum up as:

1 pulse for 1bit, 13 bits for 1 frame ( Sync + address + data code)

bit width =  basic pulse width *3

low level first, high level follow

width of low level leading the Sync pulse is basic pulse width *36

not floating code


And this is code of  "Remocon" Programmable Remote Controller for HT12E

We can identify there are 4 sets of codes

No. 1 : 2818 0000 0000 8D02 0D14 3900

No. 2 : 2810 0000 0000 9602 0D14 3A00

No. 3: 2818 0000 0000 9002 0D13 3900

No. 4 : 2810 0000 0000 9802 0D14 3A00

Each set respond to a button. In this case, button 1 & button 3 have same action, Button 2 & 4 are the same.

The meaning of each byte of set No.1 are : 

2818 0000 0000 respond to address / data to be sent. format as: Sync, A0, A1,.....AD10, AD11.  binary code as 0010 1000 0001 13 Bits. Address is different for each system, and data is different for each action.

8D02 0D14 3900 mean the wave form format:

8D02 = x028D = 653 decimal, mean the pilot period of Sync equal to (0.02 mS * 653) = 13.06 mS (actually, it supposed to 36 times the basic pulse width)

0D14 : 0D =13 decimal, mean total 13 bits a frame.¡CThese bytes must exactly as what they are.

0D14 : 14 =20 decimal, is basic pulse width ( 0.02 mS * 20) = 0.4mS, ***The 0.02mS here is depend of the PRC, may not same as yours, I calculated this from what I saw, the wave from.

3900 : 39 =57 decimal, represent the total width of a bit (low and high ), in this case it's ( 0.02 mS * 57) = 1.14 mS,  (actually, it supposed to 3 times the basic pulse width)

3900 : 00 represent HT12E bit format -- low level first, follow by high level.¡CThese bytes must exactly as what they are.


This is code of  "Jenius" Programmable Remote Controller for HT12E

Almost same as "Remocon", but has three more bytes at end of each set.

The extra bytes of set No. 1 are 4488 0000 0000, it's address / data code likes 1E88 0000 0000, but may not the same. I guess, maybe the copy machine not sure about the address / data code, and want to make another "back up" of address / data code, to raise ratio of  success copy.

This sounds good, but may with cost. The cost is shorter range & delay respond. because the PRC send one error frame, after a correct frame, if the 'back up" code is wrong.


Another most popular fixed code encoder is PT2262, form the datasheet, we see..

Sum up as:

2 pulse for 1bit, 25 bits for 1 frame ( address + data code + Sync )

bit width =  basic pulse width *4

high level first, low level follow

width of low level follow the Sync pulse is basic pulse width *31

floating code : 01

The format is different from HT12E


And this is code of  "Remocon" Programmable Remote Controller for PT2262

4 sets of codes

No. 1 : 33C3 CC00 0000 0002 1910 4201

The meaning of each byte of set No.1 are : 

33C3 CC00 0000 respond to address / data to be sent. format as: A0, A1,.....AD10, AD11, Sync. .  Binary code as 0011 0011 1100 0011 1100 1100 25 Bits. PT2262 code as 0101 1001 1010 + Sync.

0002 1910 4201  mean the wave form format same as previous description, please note that :

4201 : 01 represent PT2262 bit format -- high level first, follow by low level.


That's all I know. But not all IT IS.

If you know something I don't, about fixed code Programmable Remote Controller, please email me, I will very appreciate.

I use Oscilloscope 2.51 to observe the output on PC...., nice program.




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Philip Sun / TAIWAN

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