The place: Salem, USA
The date: 4/18/2008
The main characters: The Troy Family (Karin, Rob, Minnie, Josie, Melvin), Jess, Vince, & Greg
The minor characters: Melanie, Carissa, Louis, Zach

Update since 1998 (part 6):

Josie & Melvin (Mel):

These two moved with their family to Salem in December of 2000. They're about 55 years old (or so). Their daughters are Karin & Minnie. Their son is Rob. Mel was in the Navy, so he moved their family all over the country. They settled down in Salem when he retired. They have another son besides Rob, but his whereabouts are unknown. Josie & Melvin live around the corner from the house where Mike, Jen, Jack, Abby, & Laura used to live.

Karin & Vince Giani:

Karin is about the same age as Hope. Karin & Vince were married in a spectacular wedding at St. Luke's in 2003. They have two daughters: Melanie & Carissa. Melanie was born in 2004 & Carissa was born a year later. Karin works at Zeus (Vivian's company) & Vince is on the Salem Police force. They live across the street from University Hospital.

Rob & Jess:

Rob is 26 years old (6 years younger than Karin) & married Jess before they moved to Salem. They have one son, Andrew, who is 9 years old now (yes, they were young when he was born). Rob is a model for Titan & Jess is a doctor at University Hospital. They live next door to Karin & Vince.

Minnie & Greg Keary:

Minnie arrived in Salem a few months after the rest of her family (she was in college when they arrived. She finished out her year there then came to Salem). Minnie is 30 now. She is, by far, the most troubled person of the Troy family. When she was 15, a friend of her sister's raped her & she was pregnant with his child. Minnie gave the child up for adoption & hasn't seen it since (she doesn't even know if it was a boy or a girl). On her 17th Birthday, she got her driver's license &, on her birthday, was in a major accident. She had 12 broken bones & was in a coma for 6 months. We don't know what happened between then & when she arrived in Salem. But, when she did arrive in Salem, she was pregnant & in counseling. Her son, Louis, is now 7 years old. Three years later, Minnie met Greg. In 2005, they were married at St. Luke's. They have since has another child, Zach, who was born in 2007. Minnie works at Balistix & Greg is a photographer (he's good friends with Eric Brady). Minnie, Greg, Louis, & Zach live in the old DiMera Mansion (Stefano sold it for reasons unknown).

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