Dogpoo's Junkpile , His only home on the web

Dear Visitor

First of all thank you for coming to my only home on the web . You made me very happy , for once.

I look everywhere and i never see any news about "me" Nobody seems to care But thats ok , thats my life , and i accept it the way it is , theres nothing i can change.

I dont have any friends or enimies , no one wants anything at all to do with me. Once some fat kid in my classroom , Eric Cartman said i was a prop , him and his friends dont care about me. I cant believe i paid 10 dollars to spend a day with him , Stan and Kyle for nothing. I never got a chance to show what im truly good at.

I like to play dodgeball , dig around for things and play in my mom's flower garden. Sometimes she gets pissed off at me for that.....But its cool. I usually spend my time at home , if im not following others around , so im close to my family. One time i said my parents molested me to get them out of my hair , but i didn't feel very good after doing that. Because i had no where to go.And being the loner i could have died.

Some people make fun of me for what i look like , im not sure why im like this its just me.And its hard for me to act like someboy else. But when i do get attention i like it , negative or not.

Working on south park is hard AND easy for me , i get to lay back and relax but it does get nerve racking and id do anything to be somewhere else.......

Thank you for reading my letter , and goodbye for now.

Yours Truly

~Dog Poo