woah you are kool.....you just signed my guestbook.

Lindsey - 12/24/00 04:51:38
My URL:http://theeyesinyourradio.orgymusicweb.com
My Email:webmaster@eyesradiolies.zzn.com
have you ever met the band:::: Yep.
favorite member:::: Jay.
favoite song:::: Can't pick.
age:::: 16
gender:::: Female.
do you like orgy::::: That's why I'm here.

Cool site I was at the show at Clutch Cargo's it was awesome. Come visit my site when you get around to it.

Erin - 11/30/00 03:35:13
My URL:http://www.dizzyviolets.net
My Email:riot@suture.nu
have you ever met the band:::: no
favorite member:::: paigey waigey
favoite song:::: fiend
age:::: 18
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: well duh

nice site. :)

fffffff - 11/17/00 23:45:41
My Email:fffffffffff@kkkkkkk.com
have you ever met the band:::: dddddddddd
favorite member:::: ddddddddddddddd
favoite song:::: ddddddddddddd
age:::: dddddddddd
gender:::: dddddddddd
do you like orgy::::: dddddddddd


Pogo - 11/11/00 23:00:17
have you ever met the band:::: :*(
favorite member:::: AMIR AKA Turban Head, god, he's so hot
favoite song:::: Like that's hard
age:::: 14
gender:::: It's still a question of gender
do you like orgy::::: Like, no, actually I don't, I just look at Orgy websites and listen to their music cuz I'm bored

Very fun... Turban Head is so hot

Lindsey - 11/08/00 23:22:08
My URL:http://theeyesinyourradio.orgymusicweb.com
My Email:theeyesinyourradio@yahoo.com
have you ever met the band:::: Yes I have.
favorite member:::: Probably Jay
favoite song:::: The bonus track on VT
age:::: 16
gender:::: Female
do you like orgy::::: ...... thats obvious

Hey. I like your site. I like the colors, and everything... keep up the good work!! Check out my site sometime if ya want!

sara - 10/22/00 23:16:59
My URL:http://www.platinumcomplication.com/humangods/
My Email:humangods@platinumcomplication.com
have you ever met the band:::: yes
favorite member:::: paige and jay
favoite song:::: dramatica
age:::: 20
gender:::: femail
do you like orgy::::: yes, duh

nice site, check out mine :)

beth - 10/09/00 00:21:07
My Email:RIOTwithTOASTER@yahoo.com
have you ever met the band:::: no because i dont feel like going to concerts and crap like that
favorite member:::: ryan
favoite song:::: dramatica, vapor, pantomime, social enemies, dissention
age:::: 13
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: yes

i like your site

catherine - 10/01/00 22:17:39
My Email:Jaysjadedgirl@aol.com
have you ever met the band:::: sadly not! :(
favorite member:::: luv 'em all
favoite song:::: fiction and revival
age:::: 15
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: hell yes!!!

i will love orgy til the day i die!! and i'll be dreaming in digital about Jay every night!!! your site is kool!!! anybody who loves orgy, feel free to e-mail me(especially if you're Jay, Ryan, Paige, Amir or Bobby!!)

terri - 09/24/00 04:27:10
have you ever met the band:::: no
age:::: 10000000000
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: noooooooooooooooo

nice page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i had fun with you and hope the night we got shaving cream and pads>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terri ann good

terri - 09/24/00 04:24:48
have you ever met the band:::: no


Kaite - 08/28/00 03:21:48
My Email:dizzyderakh@orgyluv.zzn.com
have you ever met the band:::: in my dreamz
favorite member:::: Miry
favoite song:::: Gender
age:::: 23......
gender:::: female.....last time i checked
do you like orgy::::: no..........l luv them!!!!!!!

Great site.....come here all the time... hugs and stitches!!! kaite

Ryan - 08/06/00 00:56:11
My URL:http://www.envy.nu/ooriginals
My Email:fetixha@Bellsouth.net
have you ever met the band:::: unfortunately, no :*(
favorite member:::: Amir all the way
favoite song:::: Fiction lol
age:::: 13
gender:::: not sure. i will get back to you on that one.
do you like orgy::::: haha silly quesiton. i dont like them.. i LOVE them lol ;-0

Nice site. Purdy design! Keep up the great fucking work!

Jordian - 08/01/00 21:01:01
My Email:angelpup1990@aol.com
have you ever met the band:::: no
favorite member:::: jay
favoite song:::: blue monday
age:::: 12
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: yes

your page is very cool!!!!!!!

cassie - 06/23/00 19:43:51
My Email:dizzzy012@aol.com
have you ever met the band:::: very sadly, no
favorite member:::: amir
favoite song:::: dizzy, pantomime and platinum
age:::: 17
gender:::: femme
do you like orgy::::: yep


omega - 05/26/00 19:42:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co2/orgy1/
My Email:omega_freax@hotmail.com
have you ever met the band:::: uh huh
favorite member:::: jay and amir
favoite song:::: platinum and stitches
age:::: 18
gender:::: male
do you like orgy::::: fuck yeah!!!

love your site...just needs to be finished, that's all. anyways, come to my page cuz it's really tight and it's all about orgy. you dig? good. c-ya

Megan - 05/20/00 16:25:52
My Email:TheDevilsAngel m
have you ever met the band:::: NO
age:::: i forgot
gender:::: female
do you like orgy::::: yes

sweet ass pix tara

Megan - 05/20/00 16:25:08
My Email:TheDevilsAngel m
have you ever met the band:::: NO


Randi - 05/11/00 20:02:14
My URL:Dainty_socialite@yahoo.com
My Email:http://www.oocities.org/dainty_socialite
have you ever met the band:::: Nope.
favorite member:::: Cant pick, all equal.
favoite song:::: Revival or Pantomime
age:::: 420, oops, I mean 14
gender:::: Female
male:::female:::: Female last time I checked.

Sign the book or die? Huh, well they both sound like fun, but I dont want to die without fucking Joe, Jay Gordon, or Gavin Rossdale. I will only probably have a chance at the first, but hell a girl can dream. Actualy, I dont want to screw Jay, I respect h m too much, hes an inspiration and that'd be like doing Eadger Alen Poe or something. Same with Gavin, so Joe, Im all yours. LOL. Anywayz I g2g, tty at school. The ORIGINAL bitch, Randi

Kirstan - 05/04/00 21:18:39
My URL:kiro27@yahoo.com
My Email:http://www.envy.nu/kirstan
have you ever met the band:::: nope
favorite member:::: Bobby Hewitt!
favoite song:::: Stitches
age:::: 16
gender:::: female
male:::female:::: female

kick ass new layout! i like it! :)

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