My Greenhouse
8 X 16 Double Quanset
The plant stand was made out of stair stringers turned upside down!
Propagations side of the Greenhouse.
I use a 22 X 60 Heat Mat.
Potting/Storage area
When growing season is in full swing in early spring, I use the storage area for seedlings also.
Because of mild weather, I usually run a "cool" winter greenhouse as I only over winter fuschia and geraniums.  I only use heat if we have several days of below freezing weather.  I generally start seeds the first week of February, at that time I keep the Greenhouse heated at 60 to 65 degrees.
Spring 1999
I grew so many 10" baskets & pots that  I started selling to friends and neighbors. Now each year  I am "expected" to have an annual plant sale.!
Spring 1999
Hanging baskets of Ivy geranium, fuschia, and assorted annuals.
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