Recently I have been hearing even more often about Despana's return. I have read my history
books and really thought on it a great deal and have never been able to really see how she could
still be around.

History of the elves says that her Keep was destroyed, and all with her. How could she still be
alive and not have made a sound all of these years? Despana was a proud one, and hardly the
personality to keep things silent and not let a soul know she is still alive.

I believe that perhaps Shar has returned to start these things once again, and perhaps that is
what Thurnock and others are sensing.

Thurnock dislikes me immensly because I am so strongly against believing that Despana has
returned. I have heard story after story from my ancestors regarding what had happened at the
Battle of Shadowguard and later on in the battles when she was defeated. I am just finding it
hard to believe that it is not true after all of these years.

I suppose we will find out soon enough. There have been enough odd happenings going on
recently, including Banaltras, and now some are talking that Thurfel may be involved with the
things regarding Despana, creating and animating unlife. I can only pray that isn't so. Rumor
has it that Despana has appeared to some as well, which is something that makes me a quite bit
uneasy. But they could also be tall tales, which I am almost sure they are..