::As with many drows before her, the lone woman moved as one with the shadows that kept her easily hidden within the Underdark many caverns. Slipping free of her "hiding" and into full view of so many, but was she concerned. Heck no, the scar that ran from the middle of her forehead starting at the hair line, running down past her eyes and across the bridge of her perk onyx nose. Hard scarlett eyes peer around, glowing with that unique skill of theirs of infravision and a secret purpose for her eyes casted no reflection`. Watching the play of reds, oranges and blues of the certain things that gave off heat, but this was not on her mind this eve.Garbed in her usual outfit, sporting a thin black tunic along with a silken ebon vest with violet trimmings finishing off the look with silky black breeches. Bark colored boots adorn her delicate feet, the same boots that hardly whispered against the damp rocky floor. Placed within that of her natural ebon lips was a blade of equal coloring, with strange drow markings upon the hilt and the flat side of the blade itself, denoting that she was the assassin of the House Arkhenneld. A tan colored ring adorned one agile finger on her right hand, this was to help her blend in well with the shadows, and her midnight colored piwafwi helped to mask her heat waves from other infravision eyes. She was careful, cautious, deadly for the jaluk before her. Pledging in a wordless prayer to Selvetarm, this kill about to happen pushing her ivory mane  of one full length that fell to the nape of her neck, out of her eyes and  in a short pony tail, more like a stub of a pony tail. She sprung upon the back of the drow, dagger instantly to her dark hand running the razor sharpness across the tender flesh of his throat in a quick, clean kill. Shoving the now growing cold body away from her, to keep the blood off her body and clothes:: Qu'ellar Arkhenneld belbauolt vedui' neitar orn dos  degahr ol'sohna
                 Degahrssin Mithuth
Thirteenth daughter of House Arkhenneld
Degahrssin Mithuth, the thirteenth daughter of House Arkhenneld situated in the drow city of Cheth Rrhinn, only a minor House within that ever steady growing city. She had no true purpose in her mother's plans nor did Lloth wish to have her as one of her clergy due to the hideous scar that rain down her forehead and over her nose. That scar was from a younger sister, wishing to advance herself in her own family, hoping to settle in the thirteenth spot. Well as everyone could see, it failed with the younger sister's life
    Since Lloth did not wish to have her, she went to another god, Selvetarm because of the need to kill and fight.
    So she became her mother's assassin, to feed the blood lust that sometime overcame her ugly daughter but she was asset to keep the house from being snuffed out quickly. Giving that daughter free reign, any hints of attack she first sent out her.
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