Talya Rrhinn
Being of noble descent, one could tell by those regal and sharp elven features this emerald eye beauty possessed, so dark and mysterious to make one wonder what was she truly thinking of. Yet once you gain closer to study her much better, her ivory hair like a cloud on her pratical traveling attire of ebon woolen tunic, tan breeches with calve high boots to complimate her slender but willowy frame. Graceful fingers confined in glistening black leather gloves picked up the glass of Morimatra to bring up against those tempting charcoal colored lips to imprision as the spicy wine trinkled into her mouth, sending taste buds spinning from the taste only to continue downwards to settle in the pit of her stomach. Feeling the burning weight of someone's eyes she turned that ebon face towards the source to remain that passive mask of hers, those dark emeralds that grew darker towards the blacken pupils of hers only held one intrance before she turned her head away in  haughtiness. "You are not the one I seek," with her words you were dismissed from her presence, so soft as the wind to caress another's ears, but then she was ignoring you after she spoke before studying you quick with those unique green eyes of hers. This gives the observer a better chance to look over her, on the woman's belt were two nasty looking blades of black obsidian resting on each slender hip. Infront of the belt rested a series of brownish pouches of components that make one wonder what was within, but to this drowess she knew.
Being away from her family as she attended school, Tayla did not know what happen to her house until she received knews that her house was wiped out. Now houseless, she knew she'd be easy pickings at Arach-Tinilith among the others. Sneaking away in the dead of night, slipping passed any guards stationed to slip into the shadows to find some sort of information about what happened to her family. On her investigations she found out that her younger brother was whisked away to be a slave to silence him on the world above. So that was her destination, to find her only single living relation. The search is on. {Her brother is played on the screen name WolfsDagger}