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Upon the hearts of soldiers
She holds their banner high
The flag of freedom flying
It's waving in the sky

With wings of love enfolding
With hearts so brave and true
Each one of us now praying
That she stays close to you

Protecting you with Glory
She soars so high above
Watching and protecting
Our nation's special ones

Prayer we say now fervent
Dear Lord we beg You please
Protect our men in battle
We say on bended knees

Brave and true our heroes
Who follow nation's call
To honor and protect us
God's Glory to them all

Look upon Your children
Help to see them through
We ask this of You humbly
For all our Brave and True.

Poet:  Francine Pucillo
©Feb., 2003




Midi "Your Love" is used with permission
and is copyright © Bruce DeBoer

Bruce DeBoer's beautiful CDs are also available

The beautiful painting used for this set is by artist, Penny Parker, and used with her permission.