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It is a representation of ideas, of emotions, truth and beauty. It is something that should touch us, inform us. My name is Lee Cipriano, exhibited here are works of art in various forms and media. I work as a commercial illustrator in New York City,
I had this site developed to publish my work, and to be seen by anyone who has an interest in the arts. I hope you like the work. The fundamental approach I've taken toward my artwork is to imagine.

Quick links to favorite works
Missed Chance
About the work
Most of the artwork here is about things we experience in life. I try to incorporate universal themes such as good versus evil, love and hate, happiness, anger, sadness, hope, faith and beauty. Many of the illustrations though represent the conflict and co-existence of good and evil, will power, the struggle in making choices, and choosing sides. In addition, many illustrations also present the dual nature in the subject of the work


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