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This site is dedicated to the ROADTRIP embarked by three friends on August 10th, 2004.
We traveled cross country on I40 for 28hours in a '01ToyotaCorrola and arrived in LasVegas, Nevada on the 11th.
It was the most incredible experience any of us has ever had. I believe we all found or discovered something new about ourselves
while we were there. This is half of pictures taken on our vacation and the other half being linked to a partner site: Found Here
This is Drew's site and he also has alot of pictures similar from another perspective, and some alot better than ones Dean and I took.
So check out his site too... Im currently working on it and hopefully combining the both our sites soon. Due to our budget, our trip
ended and we had to head back home to Bristol, Virginia. Honestly none of us wanted to leave.. Too each our own reasons....
On August 16th we were back on the road again, 32hours and two speeding tickets later (Compliments of Arizona's Finest)
we made it home. We all had a question in mind,"Why did we come back? We had it made out there.." But for me and Dean,
we didnt get any sleep and less than 4hours later we were back to work...yay, welcome home... LOGANS SUCKS!!!
I had been wanting to go on this trip for years and on this site I also want to thank Dean and Drew
both cause without them this trip would not have been possible.

To Whom This May Concern: All of us have made a solid decision that we're standing by.

To Contact Us on AIM: Jon~ imahackysacker2001, Dean~ eyeamagerm, Drew~ effing dreW

there is more to come........ last update 9/2/04