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Dec.7. 02
          Hello. wassup! so im home for one day.............. ehhhhh.......then i gotta go back to Davis today to go to work. sigh. dang, i have finals all next week. hecka have to study man.... =( thats no cool. then after finals week. i get kicked out of the dorms on sat, but i have work til sun. then.... argh!!!! where can i stay? eh =( but then theres christmas break which is about 3 weeks or 4 weeks. then i'l be freeeeeeeee!!!!!! then back to school agian. i signed up for classes already. so far i got english, and stats. im planning to only take 3 classes cuz i know im gonna have a hard time in stats. ....k i dont know waht else to say. k byee =)

Dec. 1. 02
        Hiyee!!! wow, i havent updated my site since september or so when i first moved up to davis. well, so then i have a lot to tell. i cant update my site in davis b/c my computer does not run with this geocities program. i dont know, but it doesnt work, so i can only update my page when i come home....which is not THAT often, but i do come home at least every 2 or 3 weeks. i wish i could update my site more often but.... =T i do have a webcam, but the link is not working right now. but if you check my profile on LiLaZnBuNNy7, there is a link there and you can check it out. so, i started school and the now the quarter is almost over! my classes are psych 41, sociology 2, food science 10, and english 57. man....on all my midterms i have not gotten better than a C. actually ive been getting mostly Ds. and Im so retarded. im not a test kinda person and now i have finals coming up!!!. so...my dorms are pretty cool. i live in terecero building J. My roomate is a white chick named Andrea. shes cool. we get along very well. im probably gonna end up living with her next year too. I work at the tapioca express in Davis. its not E street if you want to come visit me. i work mostly weekends. i dunno the schedule isnt consistant, so i might not be tbere. hmm.... i havent met as many people as i would like in davis. but its ok. i have my close friends and they are very cool. ive settled down a lot since i got to college. and i think ive changed a lot also. matured you can say, lol, jk. well i dunno. maybe not. =P hehe, anyway, so then....... uh.... what else, gosh i know there is so much more to tell....i dont know. im gonna go eat lunch now. byee