This page is dedicated to my children, Joey and Laura and my husband Richard.
The Sun is the planet of the self, will, energy and power. It is the most important planet in a horoscope, and a heavily afflicted Sun in a natal chart makes it difficult for the subject to get anywhere in life, as they will not have the basic self-belief and stamina required to progress.
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The Moon is the planet of the unconscious mind, habits and emotions. The aspects and position of the Moon in a natal chart indicate the subject's way of dealing with the influence of others.
Mercury is the planet of the mind, intellect and communication. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Mercury show the ways in which subjects use their minds and how they get their message across to others.
The Planets and You
Venus is the planet of love, higher emotions and artistic sensibility. The aspects and positions of Venus in a natal chart indicate how the subject deals with relationships, sexuality and social interaction, as well as their capacity for creating and appreciating beauty.
Mars is the planet of action and the expression of will through activity. A heavily afflicted Mars in a natal chart may give the subject impulsive or violent tendencies. Favorable influences may channel the energy of Mars more positively, into strength, determination and achievement, for example.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and cooperation. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Jupiter indicate how subjects are able to expand their horizons, and how they fit into and contribute to society.
Saturn is the planet of structure, limitation, experience and discipline. A heavily afflicted Saturn in a natal chart can leave subjects selfish, rigid and limited in their ability to interact meaningfully with others. Favorable influences can make them ambitious, successful and self-disciplined.
Uranus is the planet of innovation, nonconformity, higher intuition and inspiration. In a natal chart, a well-aspected Uranus can bring a touch of genius to the subject, while a heavily afflicted one can lead to eccentricity and unreliability.
Neptune is the planet of transcendence, higher faculties and psychic abilities. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Neptune deal with the subject's ability to access higher consciousness and their grip on reality. A heavily afflicted Neptune can lead to unrealistic expectations and self-deception.
Pluto is the planet of deep, impersonal energies and transforming forces. In a natal chart, the aspects and position of Pluto indicate areas of life in which the subject is capable of making fundamental changes, for better or for worse.
We as a society have longed for answers to the universe. We all want to know what may be in store for us. Afterall, life would be easier if we just knew what to do. While an AstroChart can not tell you what to do, it can provide you with  guidance as to your strengths and weaknesses. It can give you insights to yourself that may be hidden to your concious mind. The AstroChart is an excellent meditative tool too. Order yours today and judge for yourself. Send  a $14.95 check or money order to the address below, or select paypal or paydirect to pay by credit card. For a FREE sample reading E-Mail us your date, time and place of birth. Your AstroChart will be calculated using the angles and alignment of the planets relative to your location on earth at a specific time. 
In interpreting an astrological chart, the positions of the planets in the signs and the aspects they make to each other detail the important characteristics of the subject. The system of houses indicates how these characteristics are exhibited in everyday life, as each house concerns a specific area of existence.
The Houses of Astrology
The First House represents the subject of a chart, their self-awareness and self-expression. The First House cusp is the most important in the chart, as the sign in this position is the subject's Ascendant or Rising Sign, showing their personality and appearance. In a natal chart, the First House also deals with the subject's formative circumstances and influences.
The Second House deals with material resources and possessions. In a natal chart this house concerns the subject's ability and desire to earn a living, find stability, meet financial obligations and acquire belongings.
The Third House deals with thinking and communicating. In a natal chart this house shows the subject's ability or otherwise to think clearly, reason logically, get ideas across to others, and act perceptively.
The Fourth House deals with the home, the family and the environment subjects create for themselves. In a natal chart this not only concerns the physical home and the people in it, but the 'inner home': those things that the subject feels comfortable with, and includes habits and unconscious processes.
The Fifth House deals with romance, creativity and pleasure. Activities pertaining to self-expression and popularity belong to this house, and as such it governs the creative arts and entertainment.
The Sixth House deals with work, application and health. In a natal chart this house reveals the subject's attitude towards work and their ability to get on with things practically. It also concerns their general health and how good they are likely to be at looking after themselves.
The Seventh House deals with relationships, partnerships and legal matters. In a natal chart, this house deals with the kind of relationships the subject is likely to have, the sorts of people they try to be with, and how the subject is perceived by others.
The Eighth House deals with joint resources and ventures, and governs sex, death and money. In terms of finance, it particularly concerns money resulting from united efforts like business or marriage. In relating to death and decline, the Eighth House is also concerned with inheritance, legacies and rebirth.
The Ninth House deals with the far horizons: knowledge gained from institutions, established systems and long-distance travel. It deals with the dissemination of knowledge through teaching, publishing and established systems of religion, academia and law.
The Tenth House deals with career, reputation and social standing. In a natal chart this house indicates how ambitious the subject is, and how likely they are to fulfill their ambitions.
The Eleventh House deals with friendships, humanitarian activities, and the ability to work as part of a group for common goals. In a natal chart this house indicates the subject's ability to make friends, and their capacity to help, work and communicate with others.
The Twelfth House deals with what is hidden: the subconscious mind, psychological baggage and mystical inspiration. In a natal chart, this house concerns the subject's deep-seated habits and emotional responses. It reveals those areas in which subjects are most likely to deceive themselves.
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.Astrology does not lay claim to anything more." --- Carl G. Jung
To begin, your AstroScope is a map that appears as a two dimensional chart. It shows the position of the Sun, the Moon, and planets at the precise moment of your birth. The planets are frozen in their position at that initial moment of birth. That is why this type of horoscope is known as the birth chart or the natal chart. A correct interpretation of these birth positions exposes much about you. It can be thought of as the "hand" that has been "dealt" in life. This doesn't suggest that your life has already been decided. A horoscope can never show how you are going to "play" this hand. It's largely up to you to decide that. While you usually have freedom of choice or free will, the horoscope does reflect the natural inclinations you have, the lessons you have to learn, the issues to be faced, and the problems to be solved. It may be thought of as merely an abstract formula showing the energies you've been given, or perhaps tasked. The use that you make of these energies, or opportunities, if you will, depends upon you, the individual. Astrology can provide incredible keys to understanding, but it doesn't necessarily provide clear and simplistic answers to any problems with which you may be dealing. Obtaining information about your horoscope may give you some insights and understanding of the reasons why you behave as you do. Get yours TODAY !!!
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E . Holmes and Jeannie Oquendo
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Contratulations Laura on your Dance competitions You are the BOMB !!!
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