Links to places I think are fun

Fun sites

Homestar Runner... seriously guys, it's the best.
Good Clean Fun, Humor archive
Bag-o-Laughs... yup, it really is

Cool sites

Fox News. The only news network that seems to have a clue. An amazing site with lots of Christian info. A good site to look up a movie you'd like to see to find out if you really do want to see it. Very detailed reviews on most movies the day they are released.
Ray C. Stedman memorial library. A wonderful site with hours of audio sermons by the late, great Ray Stedman.

Friends sites

Visit Eunice. My Nana, who died on 5-4-03. She was one special lady.
My brother's way cool website
Caleb. What can I say? He's a pretty cool guy.
Mike... The man himself. The legend. Speaking of fame and distinction, he is the Sasquach of valor.
Mike is also a pretty doggone good poet to boot. This site is dedicated to Christian's who desire to serve God through thier poetry, prose, and pictures.
Davey's website. His choice in music leaves something to be desired :-) but he's a cool guy non-the-less.
Mattastophic. Give him some time... he might be famous one day.

Think your website should be here? Then let me know