Grand Moff Tarkin
Admiral Piett
Captain Needa
General Veers
Moff Jerjerrod
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Pellaeon
Guard and Troopers
Various Imperial

Imperial Chicks Home Page

This is the OLD site! Please visit the NEW version at

Here it is!  Just what the Internet needed-- a website for the admiration of the Star Wars Imperial officers!   Forget whiny farm boys, stuck-up princesses, hypocritical Jedi in neutral-toned bathrobes.  Our men have tall, shiny black boots... butter-soft leather gloves... spiffy uniforms.  They ride in things called "Star Destroyers" or "The Death Star".   They wipe out whole planets with one shot.  They oppress teddy bears.  They roll their r's when they say, "You may fire when ready."  

This is a collection of stories, pictures, links and friendly chatter about Our Men in Uniform!   

Why the Empire?

Evil? Come on. Any government will eventually become as oppressive as its citizens will allow. Did you like the weakened and bloated Old Republic better? 
Evil? Not quite!  Evil empires are only that way because the "good guys" won, and then re-wrote the history.  Before that time, maybe the Empire was the good guys and the Rebels were terrorists.  
Evil?  We don't think so. One's impression of the "bad guys" is entirely dependent on one's relation to them. We want to be the Imperials' wives and sweethearts-- they're going to be very nice to us! 
But you know, that's true of the men of almost every side, therefore we will simply choose whichever side is more stylish. The Empire wins THAT contest easily! 


Star Wars Imperial Officers, Space Navy, Captain Lorth Needa, Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Andries Firmus Piett, General Maximilian Maximillian Veers, stormtroopers, imperial guard, fanfic, fanfiction, fanfix, adult, mature, nc-17, smut, propaganda, impchyx

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Star Wars Imperial Officers, Space Navy, Captain Lorth Needa, Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Andries Firmus Piett, General Maximilian Maximillian Veers, stormtroopers, imperial guard, fanfic, fanfiction, fanfix, adult, mature, nc-17, smut, propaganda
Always Under Construction

The fine print (how small can I make this?)... and all the usual disclaimers!  No, I'm not making any money.  It's just for fun.  George, please don't sue me.