Here are the stories I have written in the realm of Trek Fanfic
I hope you like... please email me and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: The characters and settings contained herein are the property of someone much more rich and powerful than me. The original plot, and new characters are mine. No infringement is intended, not making a profit, yadda yadda yadda.

Black Hole: A full-length Trek Novella

Into The Darkness: A sequel to Black Hole

Surrender The Light: The third story in the "Black Hole" Trilogy

The Only Way To Go:A short, angst-filled, story -Imzadi all the way.

One Day More: Inside the heads of Will and Deanna during the season 2 ep "The Icarus Factor"

The Last Night of the World:A happy little feelings piece, takes place only a few hours after the end of "Insurrection"

I've Been Here Before: Just after "The Naked Now", how did Will and Deanna react to the 'little scene' in engineering?

Them's Fightin' Words: An angry little piece set just after "The Outcast"

Tiny Little Star: Deanna's sad sililoquy- in the form of a personal log set just after the end of Imzadi II.