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You may not copy the images on our pages. The graphics, logos, and other images appearing at this site are copyright © 1996, 1997, and 1998 by Monique A. Belton. Photographs are copyrighted by the individual photographers and are used here with permission. None of our images may be reprinted, copied to your site, or electronically reproduced without prior written consent. Also, please do not link to our images out of context. Instead, link to the HTML pages containing the images.

You may not copy the article, except for the "fair use" provision outlined below. The articles are copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 by Bethany T. Tod, Tadofa Somalis, and may not be reprinted or electronically reproduced without her prior written consent. You are asked to contact us directly for permission if you wish to include an article, in whole or in part, in a published work of any kind (book, magazine, Web site, brochure, etc.)

"Fair use" of selected portions of our articles for educational purposes is permitted for individuals and organizations. You may use a small quote in your own article so long as you make proper attribution. You may also print a copy of an article for yourself, or give a copy to a friend in email or hardcopy, provided that you include the copyright notice and make sure that the author(s) are properly credited.


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