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My Fanfiction 01

Ch. 2,

Hey everyone I took a story that me and my friends on Ithilien called " The Forest". It's based off of Lord of the Rings, but we use intirely different characters. I hope you enjoy. ;) Oh by the way my character is Princess then I change it to Inwitįri ( If you see Itari thats short for Inwitįri)

*Rays of light, beam through the green canopy above and onto the mist that covers the floor in a blanket. Flowers awaken as the suns warmth pass by, streams in the distance can be heard weaving a soathing sound through the forest, and into Ithilien. A city that luminates with grace and Beauty. The city holds a race of fair and gentle creatures. The rays of the sun reach the city awakening it to a new day.*

*Princess goes wandering in search of Legolas, remembering he loves the forest, she heads towards it*

*Legolas is sitting down by the stream, and in deep thought.*

Princess: Legolas...?

Legolas:*turns to see Princess looking down with worried eyes* What brings you out here and so early?

Princess: You, I was worried. You didn't meet me this morning where we always meet.

Legolas: Im sorrry I forgot, Im so worried...about my friends.

Princess: * trying to understand* the ones you went on the Journey with?

Legolas: Yes..... but enough about me, lets go meet our friends. * he walks toward Ithilien*

*Princess stops and thinks to her self, " Why do I have to love you, when you dont feel the same." A tear rolls down her cheek*

Legolas: you coming? *smiles at her warmly*

Princess: Im coming, just had something in my eye. * runs to catch up with him*

*Legolas looks at princess and thinks to him self, "She's a friend nothing more...or so I think."* Gil is walking along the forest path, thinking about nothing much, when she comes upon Legolas & Princess walking the other way. They both seem lost in thought, but it would be rude not to speak, so she clears her throat to get their attention.

Legolas: Oh, hello there, Gil, how are you this morning?

Gil: Well thank you — & yourself?

Legolas: Ah yes, well, um, yes, I have a few things on my mind.

Gil: * noticing the signs of ill concealed tears on Princess' face* Princess, are you feeling OK?

Princess:*falsely bright & with a sniff* Oh yes, the sun is so bright this morning it made my eyes water.

Gil, puzzled, looks at them both as they won't make eye contact with each other, or her. Something strange is going on here. She goes on down the misty path towards the river. As the sun continues to rise the mist is slowly fading, swirling under her feet like breath from the green plants that line the walkway, leaving the flowers damp with drops of water that sparkle in the early morning light.
Princess and Legolas enter Ithilien, both not knowing what to say*

Princess:*trying to hide her sadness* Well I have a few...things that I need to catch up on. So if you'll excuse me my prince, I will depart from your presence. *bows to Legolas, and starts to walk away*

Legolas: wait! what is wrong Princess?

Princess: Nothing....as I said before I had sun in my ey-

Legolas: There was no sun when we were out in the forest.*slightly curious as to why shes lying, but yet still feeling something he walks up to her and wipes her tears away*

Princess:* in shock to his jesture toward her* I really have to go, I have Lembas bread to make and I have a few more gowns to fix up. * runs away before Legolas knew what was going on*

Legolas:* looks at his hand*.

Princess:* stops when she thinks she has a safe amount of distance* *she touches her check in the place where he had touched, litely touching as if it were still warm* I wonder if Gil knows whats going on..... * heads toward her home to read, and make Lembas bread.*

*Linedhel walks from behind a wall as princess passes her. *

Lin: "Princess, that was an ill excuse. You don't really have lembas to make, I helped you make some just yesterday. And I know for a fact that you do not own a dress with so much as a fray in it. Why do you avoid him so?"

Inwitįri: I know, I can't tell you who I feel you may get upset cause I know how you feel about him.

Linedhel: I promise I wont get mad....

Inwitįri: I think......I like him as more than a friend.

Linedhel: ok....

Inwitįri: Im so sorrry Linedhel, I never wanted to tell you, your such a dear friend. * stops and thinks for a moment* I know I'll leave and go some where else, maybe Rivendell. * At that moment Legolas came up to the two ladies and smiled then turned to Linedhel* We have a vistor, a Human. He says he knows you.

Linedhel: i'll come right away.

Inwitįri: Go find out if he is friend or foe...*smiles sweetly at them both, turns away and goes to her chambers.*

*Legolas leads Linedhel to the council chambers a few streets away Lin is silent on their walk trying to figure out why Inwitįri is acting this way. Her feelings for Legolas concerned her in now way. Legolas was only a good friend, and she intended it to go no farther than that. At least here on Middle Earth that is.

As they walk into the council chamber Linedhel sees a young man standing and looking at a tapestry hanging on a wall near a large window over looking a garden.He turns around and sees Linedhel and smiling, he walks over to her.*

*The young man bows and rises with a grin on his face at seeing Linedhel's unrecognizing look*

Iorlas: "My lady, do you not recognize me?"

Lin: I am sorry, I feel so embarrased, I am afraid I do not!"

*Legolas leaves them with a wink in Iorlas' direction*

Iorlas: Do you remember around 12 years ago saving a boy from an alley fight?

Lin: Yes...I remember...*Linedhel thinks hard and the realization of who it is standing before her leaves her wordless*

"Iorlas?? Are you Irolas? surley not!"

Iorlas: Tis me, have I really changed that much?

Linedhel: Well besides the fact the your 6'2, and now have a very...very good build, strong face and chocolate wavy hair and hazelnut eyes. Yes you have changed from that boy no more than 110 punds in the ally trying to defend your self...But anyways, I do imagine the madians swoon at the sight of you?

Iorlas: If they have, I must have not noticed. But there is a particular lady I do wish would swoon at the sight of me....*winking playfully at her*

Linedhel: Still that boyish charm...

Iorlas: You look as lovely as ever must be that elven luck. *smiles*

Linedhel: Yes it is, If you dont mind me asking what brings you to Ithilien?

Iorlas: Well I came in search of a friend * walks of to the window and looks at Ithilien* and I wish to stay here for awhile, maybe I coul- * notices a figure walking in the gardens, he notices it's a beautiful Eleven madian.*

Linedhel: Is something the matter?

Iorlas: *looks at Linedhel* No, no... just got lost in thought. We have a lot of catching up to do.

Linedhel: Yes we do.

Iorlas: So tell me about your life-* the two walk off in talk of memorys and joys of each others past*

Linedhel and Irolas have been talking for hours and have finally caught up to the present*

Linedhel: Irolas you speak of coming in search of a friend...isupose that friend is me?

Iorlas: you must have the gift of mind reading as well! Yes. I have come to see you.

Linedhel: I see...may I ask why?

Iorlas: I myself am not quite sure...you were always in the back of my mind growing up. I never really cared for other women in Minas Tirith.

Linedhel: I am beginning to understand. Irolas: Understand what?

Linedhel: Why you came here......*a dead silence came between them* Well you must be fatiged, let me show you chambers while your here.

*Linedhel showed him to his chambers, which was located in the upper towers of Mirkwood palace. Because Prince Legolas insisted that he stay with him in the palace do to the fact that he was a friend of Linedhel.*

*Later that evening the Elves were singing a love lament, Irolas walked to his balcony and leaned against the railing and closed his eyes as the beautiful music that began to relax him. He then re-opened his eyes to to look around at Ithilien at night, the sight he saw was his beautiful lady, his eyes followed her till she stopped. She looked up right at him.*

*Inwitįri sencing that eyes were upon her looked up and saw a man, or so she thought. He was a beautiful creature, not like any other human she had seen. The man was at his balcony staring at her as if she was a figment of his imagination. She smiled sweetly at him, then continued on her way to her chambers*

*Irolas was still staring at a doorway where she had disappeared in. Shaking his head as if to wake up from a dream. Feeling the effects of his long ride he went to bed and dreamed of many things that night including his mystery elven goddess*

*Entering Gilthoniel's home*

Inwitįri: *mutters to self* Why does he stare so...?*then out loud* Hello Gil, my dear friend it seems its going to rain cats and dogs.

Gil: thats odd, it was sunny a minute ago?...

Inwitįri: Yes I know. Hey have you heard theres a vistor in Ithilien? They say hes a human.

Gil: I have heard that, and that hes quite handsome for a human.

Inwitįri: Yes I suppose....

Gil: Have you seen him?

Inwitįri: NO....I mean no I havent seen him. So any way Gil I came here to see if you had a dress pattern, I may barrow?

Gil: Yes let me go get some for you. *goes in a another room*

*Taśrė enters Gils home*Taśrė: Is Gil at home?

Inwitįri: Yes she is, she just getting me something.

Gil: Here they are, no need to bring them back. Have fun dear.

Inwitįri: Oh thank you, I'll bring them back, and I will have fun.*smiles sweetly at Gil and leaves*

Taśrė: Its pouring out side, how are you today Gil?

Gil: Im wonderful, thank you. Now on to........

What brings you here this morning?

Taśrė:I came to see where you had got to, weren't we going out to practice with our bows this morning?

Gil: Oh no, I completely forgot. I went for an early morning walk & the sunrise was so beautiful after that heavy mist, I must have been more distracted than I knew. Just a moment, I'll get my bow, unless it is too late for you? *Taśrė I shakes her head* No I have time before I have to leave on patrol, but it is pouring with rain, so I don't think.... Gil*muffled with her head in the closet* Confound it, I dropped three arrowheads on the floor when I was looking for that pattern for Inwitįri. Oh, here they are.

Taśrė: You aren't listening.. Gil:*looking puzzled* hmmm?

Taśrė:It is pelting down out there, no practice this morning.

Gil: Oops, sorry, I'm still thinking about Inwitari's unexpected visit. Have you seen this young human male who is visiting the palace?

Taśrė: I don't believe so, what does he look like?

Gil: I have no idea, but I have a feeling Inwitįri has caught a glimpse somehow. Isn't he a friend of Linedhel?

Taśrė: *laughing* Oh so that is what is causing all the commotion, I know who you mean. Yes indeed, Lin took him under her wing a few years back & I believe he is visiting Prince Legolas at the moment. Perhaps we will meet him at the next evening meal.

Gil: I look forward to that, then we may understand why Inwitįri is in need of a new dress. *puts kettle on to boil* If we can't practice we can at least have a cup of tea & a chat, no point in your going out again till the rain eases up a bit. Now, tell me more about this young man. giri is skipping merrily along a path and comes upon a wolf dressed in drag......Whoops, wrong story!*

Giri: *is skipping the many paths of Ithilien and decides to visit her friends* La la la la, oh what a pretty flower! *picks and puts behind her ear* That's better, I look like I belong a little better now!

*is still raining and Giri looks like a drowned rat!*

*Knocks on Gil's door*

Gil: Your all wet!

Giri: Yep, it's raining outside!

Gil: Oh dear! well come inside and have some tea and warm up a bit!

Giri:Thanks!, now whats this I hear about a human male!

*all excited at the prospect of meeting someone new*

*some where in another part of Ithilien, not to far away*

Linedhel: You seem to be causing a commotion.*giggles*

Irolas: Im not trying too, but it seems that all the elven madians are captured by my handsomeness.*pause to see Linedhels reaction* haha , just kidding my old friend.

Linedhel: Ok, I was geting worried.
* In her home Gils ponders why Inwitįri has been acting strange lately*

Gil: I wonder...hmm...I wonder if its because of the ball they are having? Hmm... I'll go ask another friend for advise on this strange matter.

* goes off to....* visit her friend Nimrodel. *Her house was built high in a tree near the waterfalls, as was the custom of her people, the Galadhrim. As Gil climbed the ladder she could smell the sweet flowers that grew near the water & hear the splash of the water as it fell over the rocks.*

Gil called out: Nimrodel are you here?

Then a voice called from down by the river, " Gil, is that you? Come on down, you haven't been to see me in ages."

Gill * laughing & climbiing back down the ladder* That works both ways, we haven't seen you in our part of the forest lately either.

Nimrodel *grinning* Yes I know, things get a bit busy around here, we are getting decorations ready for the ball at the palace of Mirkwood.

Gil: you folks are the best at such things, I don't wonder you were asked to do the decorating. But I do wonder why there is a ball this time of year, is it a special occasion, do you know?

Nimrodel: All is know is there are many invited guests from all over Elvendom, it is going to be quite a 'high toned & fancy to do' (pirate language for big bash!)

*Inwitįri Sees Gil and Nimrodel walking and decides to greet them*

Itari: Hello Gil and Nimrodel. How are you two doing today?

Nimrodel: Wonderful, enjoying the wonderful sun today. How about you?

Itari: Im wonderful as well, just a little preoccupied of the late. *smiles*

Gil: Hows the dress coming along? I hope the patterns were all there.

Itari: Oh yes, Im almost done, just got to add a few finishing touches. Are you two excited for the ball.

Nimrodel: I guess, I'm a little bit burned out on balls.

Gil: haha, how could you be they are so exciting, everything is brighter when balls are coming up. *Smiles at Nimrodel*

Gil: Now-

Nimrodel: hey here comes the visitor with our Linedhel.

*all look to where Nimrodel is pointing at*

Linedhel: Hello ladies * all three bow in greeting* I'd like to introduce my friend Irolas.

*they all look at Irolas, Itari looks at him in awe and confusion.*

*Itari thinks to hewrself* He looks like the prince but with brown wavy hair.

Irolas: Hello Gilthoniel.*he kisses her hand*

Gil: Just call me Gil, Mr. Irolas.

Irolas: Then Gil, just call me Irolas. None of this Mr. buisness. *turns to Nimrodel*

Hello Nimrodel * kisses her hand as well*

Nimrodel: Thank you Irolas. Nice to meet you too.*smiles at him*

*Irolas turns to Itari, and just stares at her*

*Irolas thinks to himself, this is my beautiful elven maidan I see evey where.*

Irolas: And you must be Inwitįri* kisses her hand, but lingers longer than he had on the others*

Itari: You must call me Itari, Irolas. *pulling her hand out of his grasp*

Irolas: Your wish is my command.* Flashes his devilish grin*

*A pair of unseen eyes watches the merry meetings from a Mallos bush not far away. The hidden traveller is weary and worn for his journey hither has brought him far from his home. Uncertain of a welcome in the Elven domain, he has decided to stay hidden, until he can ascertain if he would be welcome.. or escorted away from the land, banished. (His natural Hobbit stealth is second only to the Elves themselves...)*

*Unfortunately, the journey thus far had started to take its toll... His concentration on averting discovery waned...*

SNAP a twig broke beneath his crouched figure


*The figures he watched whipped around, staring at the place of the source of the noise, human, and elven ears alike alert and wary*

"Who goes there?!" Proclaims Nimrodel loudly. "Present yourself, or risk much less lenience on our part!"

*The tiny figure creeps from the Mallos, timid and frightful at being discovered. He stutters out his name, quivering.* "Th-th-Thackery Artemis Dewberry of Whitwell; T-t-Tookland. At your service my esteemable ladies and L-l-lords."

Itari: *Smiles down at the quivering little hobbit* Thackery Artemis Dewberry of Whitwell, theres no need to fear us, we are but gentle creatures. Welcome to Ithilien. * extends her hand in order to raise him from bowing*

Thackery: *looks up to elven lady that spoke to him, to him she seemed like a dream, all the elves did, they had this air about them that glowed. He also noted they were fair creatures. Making them seem like something from a fairy tale.* T-Thank you Mylady. I-I was w-wondering if I could, you know stay here for a while.

Linedhel: Thackery Took, we will present your case to our prince. * then she leaned a little closer* But I don't see why not.*she then winked at him*

Thackery: Oh thank you my lady.

Itari: Sweet little hobbit*favors him a sweet smile*, there is no need to call us My Lady's, you may call me Inwitįri, but my friends call me Itari.

Gil: Why don't we make the introductions of who we are, I'll go first. Thackery of Whitwell Iam Gilthoniel or my friends call me Gil.

Nimrodel: Hello little hobbit Im Nimrodel.

Linedhel: *smiles at him* Iam Linedhel, or some cll me Lin. And Welcome to Ithilien. And May I introduce our other visitor, Irolas.

Irolas: Hello little friend.


Giri: *skipping through the woods again* la la la la la, oh hello shorty!
Thakery: *dragged out* hello Giri!

Giri: What brings you here my friend?

*Warmed by the welcome of the ethereal elves, Thackery beams at the company*

"Thankyou ever so much for your generosity and grace which knows no bounds, my fair people! Truly do I feel welcome here, though it has not always been so in places elsewhere..."

*A troubled look crossed his face for a moments pause, only to be quickly chased away by his rosy, cheerful smile*

A shadow of surprise hung in the company, before Itari's tinkering laughter as the sound of bells rang through the air. "Well, I think I speak for the rest of my party when I express my surprise- I did not know that the little people spoke in so sweet a tongue! Tell me, are they all like you, little friend? We do not come across many in these parts.. But wait! Forgive me please- perhaps you might tell us first whence you have encountered hostility in these great lands, pray!"

*A small smile stayed Thackery's face* "In great honesty, and with much modesty not all my people speak with my fluency- I was taught well, by my great uncle, a wise and gentle-hobbit whom I loved dearly; Thain Peregrin Took." *At this he bowed*

"But in answering to your and Giri's query, it is with no little joy that I came to be here, and I am thankful a thousand times over that I am no longer back from whence I came..." *He cast a quick anxiety-filled glance over his shoulder, as if a troll were to come crashing down upon him*

Gil's heart went out to the little Hobbit. "Come, little Thackery- there will be time for tales later. Let me show you to where you may eat and rest your weary feet- It seems you have seen many things!" *She guided the Hobbit away (not before he bowed to each present!), leaving the group left to ponder their own thoughts, returning shortly without Thackery.*

"He sleeps." She said simply.

*sneaks into Thakery's room*

Awww, how cute! *pulls covers over thakery*

*talking to Gil*

I wonder what's troubling our little friend? Sounds pretty bad for a halfling to travel out of his home all this way doesn't it?

Ch. 2

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