Céad Mile Fáilte !
The Homepage of:   
The Irish Human Rights Coalition
Mike Costello Unit
Phoenix, AZ
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About Us:

Hunger Strike Commemoration Committee


  Irish folklore 
and history,
starting with the
 earliest recorded invasions (orally, considered folklore) through the British occupation. 

Email Us

We are a non-political organisation that raises awareness regarding the situation in the North of Ireland. 

We believe in a united, sovereign and independent Ireland. 

There is only one enemy: the brits; therefore, all Irish Republican viewpoints are welcome.

Other IHRC Units




    A short glossary of active group acronyms, Gaelic titles and commonly used words.

    Current Events 
    Recent history of the Irish Troubles, from 1969 to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. 

    The Provisional IRA
    The P.I.R.A. was formed to protect the Catholic and Nationalist population, in response to the Troubles.

    Bloody Sunday
    An unbiased account of the 1969 Derry massacre of civil rights marchers and subsequent inquiries.

    Walking Tour
    A brief tour through Belfast and Derry, with photos of key locations. 

    A Brief History of Orangeism in Ireland
    Orangeism, the ideology which promotes and protects Protestant domination over Catholics is a deliberate sectarian tactic, engineered and promoted by the British

    Phoenix Area Irish Community Events

    Updates from Other Units


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    The Mike Costello Unit of IHRC supports
    The Good Friday Agreement
    as it was orginally written and approved by the majority 
    of the Irish people.

    The Irish Human Rights Coalition 
    believes that: "Everyone, republican or otherwise, 
    has their own part to play."
     Site Still Under Construction. Last update: 1 Apr 2000
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