TITLE: DIGGING OUT OF THE TUNNEL (Part of The Tunnel series)
AUTHOR: Barb (Once Bitten Spike) Stewart
PART: 1 of 6
DISCLAIMER: These toys are Joss', not mine, even though he sometimes plays too rough, and gets Spike all skinned up. And he never puts them away when he's done with them, so finders keepers!
DISTRIBUTION: You like, you got. I’d like to know about it tho’.
RATING: Mostly PG 13 but goes at least 'R' cause it ends with a bang.
SPOILERS: Bits from the old shows, but mostly Fifth Season up to and including ‘I Was Made To Love You‘. Although there will be references, possibly, to more current episodes. There is one major thing that happened on the show and doesn’t happen in my story universe.
PAIRING: B/S (With an appearance by the Poof)
FEEDBACK: I’m the original feedback vampire.
SUMMARY and NOTES: This is the 4th story in a series, and maybe the last one. Spike threatened me with mayhem if I screw up his life again.
DEDICATION: To everyone who sent such nice feedback for the previous stories, and especially one person who's "naked Spike picture" kept me laughing one night until the wee hours. You know who you are! And by the by, those boxers WERE edible!!
ADDITIONAL! To everyone on One Good Day. I hope you are having one!


Buffy peered into the refrigerator hopefully, then frowned. No decent leftovers to be had that Dawn hadn't marked as after school snackage. The few remaining possibilities had spoons stuck in them already, a sure sign that her sister had already been at those, as well.

Bummer. Still too early for breakfast, she was hoping to find a quick snack to tide her over and now would have to actually `make' one.

She yawned widely and nearly lost her balance, hanging onto the refrigerator door for support. Slamming the door shut, she padded barefooted over to the utensil drawer and yanking it open, she pulled out a butter knife and closed the drawer more gently, this time remembering that it was only six a.m. and everyone in the house was still asleep.

She started to pull the inevitable jar of peanut butter from the cupboard shelf and paused to yawn again. Stretching her arms over her head and trying to get the most out of the stretch, she lost her grip on the butter knife and it clattered to the floor.

Maybe this pre breakfast snack was just not meant to be. Annoyed at her lack of dexterity she grabbed the knife back up, laid it on the table, snatched a loaf of bread from the counter top, and sat down with it plus the peanut butter.

As she put a generous dollop of the calorie laden spread onto a slice of bread, she thought about the things that had transpired in her bedroom only the night before.

Lost in thought, she took a large bite of her finished sandwich and chewed it slowly for a moment, then stopped, frowning at her sandwich. It needed something. Marshmallow spread!

She hopped up and dug through the cabinet but was unable to find what she searched for, and decided to settle for the marshmallows themselves. To her considerable disappointment, there were none.

"Damn!" She was sure that her mother had brought some home today, as well as more cocoa, because she'd joked about Spike being so fond of them.

Buff sat back down and ate the sandwich sans marshmallow and returned to thinking about the previous night's events, which included her ‘sort of’ date with Spike, the gang's reactions to finding them alone in the dark in her room, and ‘her’ own thoughts later about everyone's misguided good intentions, which she decided right then and there would be nipped in the bud, before anything sillier could occur.

She took another large bite of sandwich before she'd fully chewed the last one just as a horrible thought came to her. If her well meaning friends and relatives had opened that door about a minute later than they had, they might have ‘really’ gotten an eye full.

She'd been about to remove her top, because Spike had told her that if she did, he would spare Mr. Gordo's life , and not throw her stuffed animal out the window as he'd threatened.

God. And she had been full of the devil, spurred on by the challenge in his twinkling blue eyes, and had been just about to do it, forgetting all about it until this moment,,,,,,,,,

"Gaaaak!" She choked on her mouthful, and her elbow knocked the peanut butter jar off the table. It hit the floor and smashed into several pieces (of course, her mother had to buy the stuff in glass, not plastic) but she was too busy gagging and trying not to suck something down the wrong pipe to worry about the jar.


Spike grimaced in his sleep and rolled over the other way to drown out a bothersome racket from above that was keeping him from settling in for a good day's rest.

He pulled the soft comforter up over his head and tried to ignore it, but then, as it sounded like someone was trying to clear their throat in a really gross and rude manner, he sat halfway up and squinted at the luminous dial on the watch he'd laid on the floor beside the cot.

Six fifteen a.m. ,,,,,,,,,,,A.M.????

He'd only gotten to sleep an hour before!!

"Bloody Hell!" He cursed softly, and was about to add more when he remembered that none of the people above knew that he'd decided to roost in the basement, and besides, even though it sounded like someone was choking a bloody cat, they had a perfect right to make all the noise they wanted. It was their house, after all.

He sighed. He was only a vampire with a tenuous foothold on Buffy's affections and he should be satisfied with their progress of late, and stop being a wanker.

The noise from above stopped, suddenly.

"Bout' bloody time!" He said, rolling his eyes at the floorboards above.

Spike reached over and took the half empty, now cold cup of cocoa topped with marshmallows and brought it up to his lips, sipping at it as he eyed the thermos bottle that sat near by.

The thermos had contained some 'real food' which he'd nipped down town and acquired earlier. He'd greedily gulped it down before sleeping, to keep from starving, with no guilt what so ever. He'd behaved himself, and bought it legitimately, although the source was less so.

Of course, one of these days, Xander would probably realize that Spike had picked his pocket during their ‘discussion’ in Buffy's bedroom, and miss the money that he had ‘borrowed‘, but, the kid was already mad at him anyway, Spike was broke, and not about to go hungry when he didn't have to.

After draining the remaining cocoa, which never failed to comfort him, he sighed in contentment, mouthed a little kiss at the floorboards above his head, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

He never heard, as Buffy, after drinking a glass of water to wash down the peanut butter, cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.

As she dumped the broken glass into the trash she cursed.

"Bloody Hell!" Then she stomped back up the stairs to get a couple more hours of sleep, realized her choice of words, and smiled, fondly.


Dawn paused at the top of the basement steps. It was only eleven a.m. on a Saturday, and here she was, stuck doing laundry. She turned back and yelled into the living room, where Buffy and Willow were sitting, talking.

"Have you seen my favorite comforter?"

Buffy rolled her eyes at Willow and sighed. "Stop stalling, and get down there and get started. Even mystical energy has chores to do."

Willow threw her a look that said, ‘don't be such a big sister‘, but Buffy just grinned at her and then remembered something. Getting up off the couch she motioned Willow to stay put and went to where Dawn stood, arms crossed, and pouting a little by the door.

"That reminds me. Did you use my hair gel? I left it in the bathroom, but now it's gone."

"Why would I use that gunk? I don't like it, it makes my hair feel all stiff, like Spikes'." And while she was on that subject,,,,,,,,,

"Speaking of him, what do you think?" She grinned at her big sister.

Buffy frowned. "About his hair? Well, now that you mention it I don't like that gel on it, either." She got a dreamy, far away look on her face.

Dawn knew the look. It was the Mode formerly known as Angel, which was now the Spike Mode. Drooling was the next scheduled event.

"I don't mean his hair, I mean the rest."

Buffy snapped out of it, reluctantly. "Rest of what?"

Dawn's eyes rolled upwards. She spoke slowly, like she sometimes did to Xander, and small children.

"The rest of the dirt! Dish it out! I want to know everything about last night, and especially the part where you kissed him. And don't tell me that you didn't, because no girl in her right mind sits in a chair in a bedroom in the dark with a hottie like Spike and doesn't kiss him!"

Buffy turned and went back into the living room, plopping down beside Willow again.

"Ok Wil,,,,,,,, What were we saying?"

Willow had heard all that had been said around the corner. "Oh no you don't. Dawny's right. Dish!"

At Buffy's pleading look, Willow gave her a mock frown. "Out with it. Don't make me use a truth spell!" She didn't have one of course, but Buffy didn't know that. It was like getting a warrant, on one of those TV cop shows. She could get one, it would just take longer. She smiled at the thought.

Out numbered, Buffy gave in. She knew that Dawn was going to hear it all anyway, sooner or later, and as long as her mother didn't hear her chatting about Spikes' unmentionables it would be fun to tell about it.

She turned to summon Dawn, but the teen had already bounced to the couch and sat down on the opposite side of her as Willow, grinning, and twisting at the ends of her long brown hair.

This was going to be better than the time she'd overheard the action as Riley put his hand down Buffy's pants for the first time. No one ever suspected her, when she was sneaking around. She was nearly as good a sneak as Spike.


But not quite. The Master Vampire, and part time master sneak, had heard the exchange at the doorway, and waiting till the coast was clear, he'd sneaked up the stairs. If he couldn't bloody sleep, he might just as well listen in, and his newly discovered ‘intercom‘, an air vent of some kind down in the basement, wasn't quite letting him hear into the living room.

He settled against the wall in the hallway and kept perfectly still.


Buffy sighed. She was surrounded.

"Ok, what do you want to hear about first?"

Willow just stared at her. "Well DUH! How about everything that we didn’t all see while spying, or should I say, ‘trying’ to spy on you two." Warming to the idea, she continued.

"Start with any and all kissage that took place, then how he touched you and where, OH and don't leave out the conversation! That's very, very important! And then you need to rate it on a scale of one to ten, so we can compare it to the others! Oh, DARN I wish I’d brought my colored pens!"

Willow's eyes were bright, her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing hard, as if she'd been running.

Buffy's eyes slid over to Dawn, who was sitting there with her mouth open, and back to her best friend. Tara was right. Definitely quirky.

"You haven't been out much lately, have you Wil?"

The red headed witch tried to relax on the couch and appear as if she didn't really care all that much about anything, but her inner feelings made a liar out of her as a potted plant on the windowsill abruptly wilted.

Dawn saw it out of the corner of her eye, and swallowed. That plant had never thrived, anyway.

Buffy looked from one to the other and shook her head. Everyone around her seemed so changeable of late. She of course, was like a rock. A big crumbly sandy sort of rock.


Meanwhile, round the corner, Spike was getting bored out of his mind. He was dying for a cig and was just about to slink back down the stairs when he heard Buffy start to speak again, and stayed where he was.


Buffy leaned forward as she began to tell Dawn and Willow a little about her evening with Spike.

"First of all, I'll tell you this much, he can ’really’ kiss."

Willow sat up with great interest. "Rate it!"

Buffy just looked at her for a minute, and her friend relaxed her posture a bit, but looked so disappointed that she sighed, and tossed her a bone.

"It was at least a ten."

Dawn squealed and said, "I knew it! You can just tell, by that cute lower lip he has!"

Both Buffy and Willow looked at Dawn, askance.

Dawn snorted. "Backward, much? We do have broom closets at ‘my’ school, too y'know.

Buffy, wondering if her mother had ever had that all important talk with her sister, continued. "Um, ok. Anyway, it was a very good kiss, and please don't ask me to compare it to anyone else's. It was different, but in a very good way."

Willow coaxed her just a little. "And you can't compare it to, say, um ,,,,,"

Buffy, aware that Dawn was hanging on every word debated going into the territory that she knew Willow wanted her to.


Waiting for Buffy`s next words, with a keen sense of dread mixed with curiosity, was Spike. "Come on, Slayer," he whispered. "Say it. Say the bloody name."

As he heard her begin to speak he nearly bit through his lower lip in impatience. His ’cute’ lower lip. He smiled, and strained his ears to hear.


"Alright, if you must know, Spike does kiss better than Angel."

Buffy paused for a second, convinced that she'd heard some sort of sound in the hallway, but Willow and Dawn were making so much noise that she gave up trying to hear.

Willow was arguing that Buffy had loved Angel with a pure, first love, and that it would never truly end, no matter what she might feel for someone else.

Dawn was reminding Willow that Spike had saved Buffy from countless vampires while on patrol, and where was Angel then? And something about Spike’s cute little ass.

They were both presenting their cases like lawyers, and at the top of their lungs, giving Buffy whiplash as she tried to keep up, until she clapped her hands over her ears and yelled at them to be quiet.

Dawn stuck her tongue out at Willow.

Willow told her she was a child.

Dawn retaliated by flipping her the ‘bird‘.

Buffy, about to chide them for their behavior, held up one hand in a demand for silence as, this time, she was sure she'd heard something in the hallway.

It was just after she'd confessed to liking Spike's kiss over Angel's, and it had distinctly sounded like someone saying ’Yes!’ in a loud whisper.

Putting her finger to her lips in a plea for silence, Buffy smiled and motioned to the girls to follow her lead.

Part 2

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