About this site:  

I've created this site not only to help others understand my illness, but to encourage understanding of the overall affect it can have on ones life. I hope you find it helpful in some way, either by passing time looking at pictures, or looking at a link that leads to an enlightenment. I'm also sharing some of my writings.

Above are my babies. The large one is Cash, (rest in peace), the one jumping is Chloe and the dachsand is Cherry.
Below is H, he was a total turd. (rest in peace)



Below you will find links to several other pages I have created. I have gone into detail about my medical history under medical links. I've also included links to picture pages, three of photos that Andy took while on vacation, and another of things I cherish. You will also find some of my personal writings. I hope you enjoy the site and visit again.



I have included links that offer a great deal of information on IC, the disease I have been diagnosed with as well as other illnesses that coincide with IC. Please read and use the sites I've included to look up any illness or drug information, these links are very useful.

Andy took a trip to the east coast with our Aunt Joyce. They had a good time visiting Boston, Nantucket, Cape Cod, Salem, and several towns in Maine. He took a lot of pictures of lighthouses and shore lines. I think he did an excellent job. A great talent!

I've written a lot of poems, essays and stories. Some show my depression and how grim my thoughts have become. Others show my regained faith. There seems to always be a slight depression to deal with but it isn't always reflected in my writings.


Some of my friend's sites:
The Wax Wagon
Paul and Doug's racing site

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